Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies

As part of the journey of coming back into the feminine energies, we are obligated to look at the places where the masculine has been in an unbalanced state within us.

Where do you give away your power to the masculine? Is it to men? What is the difference between the masculine and male energies? Can you differentiate the two? Do you recognize the existence of masculine and feminine within you? Are they balanced? Do you give your power away to your mind instead of your heart? There are many many questions that are effective in asking yourself when bringing more love and divine feminine into your life.

One view of masculine energy can be that of allowing men to control or manipulate you. It can be the view of allowing our mind (divine masculine) to control and manipulate ourselves internally. Now masculine energies when they are balanced within the feminine energies, they temper control and manipulation to affluence and loving discernment. The energies even within the words are different. If you feel into them you can see what is more gentle to the senses.

What are you starving for in your life and your spiritual practice? If it is more peace, unity, joy and abundance, then letting go of control will get us there. The feminine energies of patience, letting go, forgiveness, allowing, love, acceptance are all of bringing us back to our natural states of being. This will bring us to our peace on earth as it is in heaven. But as a wise monk once told me, you need to do your work. So ask yourself the question “What is the difference between the masculine and the feminine and where do I need more balance?”

We come into this world with a soul that is highly resourceful and wise. You bring with you many lifetimes of wisdom and experience and when you tap into energies that are in need of attending to in this lifetime, the changes that you bring to yourself is peace, love and joy. Especially when you heal those parts of yourself that need a garden.

So when you are faced with that family member that you have given your power away to, or that masculine thought pattern that takes away from your heart’s desire, be aware. Question why is it that I am doing this? Is it a pattern from this lifetime? Is it an ancestral pattern? Is it my mind? Is there a spiritual component that is showing up? How do I feel about it? Chip away at it. It takes time. It takes loving tending of your internal garden. It’s like pulling the weeds, even when you do it, more come up. So what I like to say to myself is - I am never leaving you. I will always be here for you. I will not abandon you. I hold all that pain and hurt for you with all the love that I have. I will nurture you. I will hold you. I will have the deepest amount of compassion for you. I love you no matter what you have done or what has been done to you. Because that is the power of feminine energy. As Kuan Yin has taught me, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, acceptance and love of ourselves is what is required so that we can extend it to others. It always starts with ourselves first. You can’t give what you don’t have!!!!

So my prayer for you is to discover the wonderful feeling of divine feminine energies within yourself and to open up to your own garden and tend to it. Because you will receive the fruits of your labours when you do your work.

With the deepest amount of love and tenderness, I have faith you will embrace your light.

Jackie Gutknecht


Desert Rose