Earth Medicine School - Horse Teacher Classes
Research studies conducted by the Institute of Heart-Math shows that the electromagnetic field of a horse’s heart is 5 times the size of a human heart. Their “coherent” (heart rate pattern), explains that we feel better when we are close to them because their heart rate pattern is consistent with emotional states of calm and joy. When are in the presence of horses, we learn to recover from stress, elevated states of emotions, grounding and introspection, all which helps us to manage our physical, emotional and mental symptoms. This program we approach the horses in a student mind set with humbleness and respect. This approach teaches us their wisdom, our equality with whom we are relating and an openness to learn without pressure and with freedom. This allows natural healing to occur.
We welcome you to explore our programs below.
These are 1 hour classes and all new participants start with the Hold UR Horses Program. All programs are designed to take multiple times and participants can take the advanced courses when a comfort level has been achieved and they have completed all other courses. There are no exams, no tests and no diplomas. This school is a gentle learning into yourself and your connection with all things.
Introductory Pricing
$30 per course or
$90 for 3 sessions
Hold UR Horses
Safety 101 - This is program starts with safety for yourself and for the horse teacher. You learn boundaries, personal responsibility and how to be safe while working with horses. You learn how to feel into your space and into the space of the horses and then with their permission you learn how to trust yourself and build trust with all other Sentient Beings. As you learn safety of the physical body, you become more secure, believe in self, build self esteem, patience and most importantly stability and groundedness.
Horse Sense
You learn from the horse teachers how to use your own innate horse sense just as they do. During the exercise, you intentionally step into what you are feeling in the moment and what arises. You learn how to observe the emotion, flow with them, forgive yourself, and let go or work through anything that may be keeping you stuck.
This is a relearning of health, tolerance, creativity, flow, balance and knowing yourself better.
Horse Power
In this program you learn about your power and the horse teacher’s power. Lunging in this program allows you to explore balancing will and personal power, authority, energy, mastery of desire, and self-control. You learn the difference between determination and consistency versus controlling behaviours. This is a respectful program that helps you to give and take in relationships and to learn how to do that. You learn about your yeses and your nos which is discernment. When balanced in this exercise you can find it enjoyable, humourous and transformative and most of all connected.
Healthy As A Horse
In this care for the horse program, you learn how to connect your heart with horses and give them what they want, not what you think they need and how to hold your boundaries and your authority with yourself in relationship with one another. This program teaches responsibility of owning a horse and what it takes to care for them. When you are balanced in this heart connection, you are accepting, peaceful, open, harmonious and content.
Straight From The Horse's Mouth
This is a communication program that teaches you how to communicate with horses. We do this by reading body language, speaking, intention and watching your thoughts. In this program you learn the power of the spoken word, truth, knowledge, peace, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, reliability, gentleness and kindness. This strengths your inner truth, when to listen, what you are listening to, and when to speak and how important words are.
In this program you meditate with the horses to learn how to empty the Full Mind to a mindfulness state. You heal aspects of confusion, depression, busy mind, dissociation, and unfocused thoughts. You learn how to watch your thoughts to become Mindful instead of Mind-Full. All this in the healing aspect of ADD, trauma, depression and the body mind connection. Also just learning Peace of Mind, calmness and equanimity.
Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me Away
This program brings to your awareness, how to connect to the divinity within yourself and a greater power. How do you connect now, if at all, and explore your own belief system. We hold space for the exploration of what your soul wants to connect with. This helps you with your boundaries and shifting to what feels good and right for you individually. You actually work on reining in your energies outside of yourself and connecting and attuning to the energies within, above and below us.
Horsing Around
Liberty work with the horses is very fun and joyful. We connect with the horses in the spirit of play. Moving our bodies in connection with the horses. They teach us how to trust, how to flow within relationship with all things. How to bring play and horsing around back into our lives. This advanced class is after a level of comfort has been attained with horses and the program.