Patriarchy and the Inner Child

When we talk about Patriarchy, we are talking about wounding.  The wounding that is in white people, that has been passed down from generation to generation.  The deep seeded feeling of victimization while at the same time over powering is a sign of the lack of self discipline and inner resourcefulness that is undeveloped.  These behaviours is as a result of by-passing of our trauma.  Trauma of LACK OF LOVE in this world.  I am not certain of where this started maybe Adam and Eve, if you believe in that story or if it is a fact of just being human, but without a loving connection to the Divine, we will never ever be awake to true love if we don’t experience it in our spiritual practice, in my experience.

Now that may be a big generalization, but since my spiritual awakening, I have learned from the Divine and Divine beings in how to parent my inner child and in a way that is healthy and loving while still being able to say no.

I will give you an example.  I have a knowing that what I eat is very important to my body and mind.  In the beginning of my spiritual awakening, I was told by someone that I could create anything I wanted in my life.  Well I took that to mean that I could create a belief that I could eat anything I wanted and my body could handle it.  This is the mind over riding my body and my emotions.

Well, I have finally hit the wall…

I woke up this morning at 1:00 am to being really mad at myself and mad at what I had eaten that I berated myself and really hated myself for how I treated my body.  I came to a realization that I have been lying to myself for the whole time during this spiritual awakening and through life.  I was by-passing the needs of my body and my emotions by listening to my mind.  But not only that, I was giving in to my inner child needs.  The needs that were never really satisfied with love and nurturing.  I was eating out of emotional anxiety.  Emotional anxiety that was brought about by a trigger in a family system that was broken in my childhood.  I was satiating my emotional need with food instead of love.  Now if that isn’t a poster for obesity in today’s day and age, I don’t know what is.

Now again, as I write this I am not blaming, shaming or outing anyone because I think this is symptomatic in our culture as human beings.  We have no self control because we aren’t meeting the needs of our inner child.  We are over eating, over purchasing, not taking responsibility, we are over riding our physical needs, our emotional needs by listening to our minds and justifying, lying or in denial of our own truths.  And until we admit, own up, take responsibility, realize that we are doing this to ourselves, we will continue to stay in a loop of weakness, low self esteem, victimization and over powering our own feelings and our emotional needs and not healing with love, nurturing support and learning a healthy no, instead of a “beat-down” no.  We will continue to operate from our inner child’s unmet needs instead of emotionally maturing into responsible adults.

This has many many layers to it also.  It ties us to how we are as human beings and what we are doing with our lives.  Look, our time here on this planet is finite.  Right now there are fires happening, droughts, floods, heat domes, and planetary upheaval and until we realize that what is happening within each and every one of us is what is happening to this planet, then we are in big trouble.  And we are already in big trouble.  This planet will survive us human beings…that much is true.  Mother Earth can rejuvenate herself, and she can only do so much for us.  And we are acting like petulant children that can’t have it.  I can’t have what I want but I am going to do it anyway.  We haven’t learned how to treat our inner child or our children that the reason you are eating (or whatever other addiction, insert here) is because you are having a feeling.  So until we take responsibility for how we are treating ourselves, others and Mother Earth, we will continue to see the decline of planet earth and Elon Musk will finally get his wish that we can move to Mars.  But who wants to live on an already dead planet.  That’s like moving the problem to another planet.  The planet isn’t the problem, we are.  We need a wake up call and this is it.  It’s time to take responsibility for how you are treating yourself, how you treat others and how you treat the planet.  Because how do you want to go out?  In a pine box?  Well good luck, at this rate, there won’t be any pine left…..

This is my parental talk to myself for my inner child, that enough is enough.  There is no longer room in this lifetime for me to stuff down my emotions with food.  That it is really time to turn over that trauma, look at that emotion, hold it with an excessive amount of love and nurturing, and stop wasting food…which at this rate could be a finite source.  It’s time to do something with my life and this is it.  I am making a promise to myself.  I only have one life to live, I am going to live in the moment, I commit to love and I step into my purpose.  The purpose of helping others work through their childhood trauma through connection to themselves and the planet.

If you are interested in a deeper connection to yourself, and how that connects you to this planet, then I welcome you to connect with me.  Let’s do this together because we all need help…help to heal ourselves and Mother Earth.

Come wake up your spirit and your connection to Mother Earth with me.  Wake up to the love and nurturing that Mother Earth has for you and your inner child.  She will give you what you need!!!!  You just need to open yourself to her.



The Power of Woman


Spiritual Teachers