Ancestral Patterning

Ancestral healing is a deep reflection of the patterns that are passed down from generation to generation. I consciously made a choice to not have any children as I wanted to clear all the ancestral energies that were preventing love within my life.

Ancestral healing has been a deep spiritual practice for me. I have been working through many generations of lack and dis-function. In that healing I have really had to shore up the energies of courage, love and compassion. The truth of the matter is that today I questioned the intentions of mother’s and fathers and their right to procreate. Let me explain….

I feel that there are instances where mothers and fathers have children for reasons other than the pure joy of having children. They may want to have children to fill an unmet need that they didn’t receive from their parents. They may want it have children to keep a relationship together. They may have children out of obligation or an expectation of family patterning and behaviour. They may want children because that is what everyone else is doing. They may have gotten pregnant to keep a relationship. This may be a fully unconscious behaviour and pattern about having children.

I was in meditation again this morning and I just heard unwanted. Unwanted by my mother and father. Now when I go into this explanation there may be some blame and shame involved but that is something that I have to work through in my spiritual practice but when I look at the big picture, my mother (especially), was also unwanted and her mother before her and so on. This isn’t just me, it is systemic and that is just one child within the family unit. What about my brothers and sister? What about their kids? What about their kid’s kids? What about the pets they bring into their homes? What about all their relationships? It is an energy that left unhealed or unneutralized is spreading like wild fires.

In a moment of anger and realizing the depths of this unintentional or unconscious pregnancy, we are not taking responsibility for our actions as people. I was so angry that I actually thought wow….there should be a law that whenever someone gets pregnant, they should be really really be healed and must have clear and healthy intentions about why they want kids. Because if you aren’t healed, you are just sending more of the same energies down the line of ancestry and the hurt that is born from this unconscious decision making is only multiplying. There is no responsibility taken in your actions. The answer to healing your unmet needs it not to have children but to look inwards to your soul and your ancestral patterns to see where you are lacking and then asking God to help you in the area of lack.

Now that may be a bit idealized but geez…..when are we ever responsible? What kind of world are we creating when we are unconsciously making decisions without knowing ourselves? I would say that when there is a lack of love and compassion for ourselves and one another, then we have the world we live in today. A world of trying to control one another, lack of respect for each other, not listening to each other or ourselves, fighting, betrayal, abandonment, unforgiveness, and lack of love to name a few.

Not until we get clear about what our ancestral patterns are and where we came from and what we need to shore up in ourselves can we be really clear in our intentions to giving birth to new children in this world. It is our responsibility to be responsible. In order to reach joy and happiness we need to know ourselves and know God. Only then when we be clear, ask for forgiveness and forgive and then replace all this with love, can we really be conscious of our role in this world and in our lives. Be responsible and own your place in this world. Even if you have made mistakes along the way (which are expected), then work through those with loving, kindness and compassion and most of all forgiveness, then you will reach the holy grail of joy and peace. It is a lot to place on a child to fulfill your happiness. That isn’t their job. Their job is to be kids. You job is to fill your own cup with happiness and show your kids how to do it in their lives.

Even if your childhood has been lacking of a healthy upbringing you can still heal yourself and then with consciousness go into the rest of your life with joy, peace or contentment or whatever you want. The key is to do the work on yourself and heal. Bringing all that is unconscious to consciousness is our work. When you do that then all the other stuff falls into place.

I pray for your life to fall into place for you and for you to find the love and compassion for yourself so that you may have it for others, then you can make conscious decisions on how you create your life…with or without children, but clearer.

With the deepest of respect, love and compassion for your process.

With love,



Love and Hurt


White Superiority