White Superiority

I have been sitting with this term of White Privilege and as I meditate on this I feel like there is a belief or an energy that there is a “knowing” that white people think they know what is best for others. In this meditation I came to understand that my father’s way of parenting was I know what is best for you. When you have this belief of your children, then you have that belief in other things.

This belief and superiority is an overpowering or patriarchal attitude that is no longer serving in the world. This is why systems are breaking down. How could it be humanly possible for someone else to know what is best for you? Even as children, we are born with an innate wisdom, innocence and clarity of energy that is teaching, that is thought provoking and is pure. When we are actually in a space of receiving wisdom from all Sentient Beings (no matter what age, gender, race, sexual orientation) then we are opening ourselves up to possibilities that are profound. If we are all made from God, or are children of God, then doesn’t it make sense that we are all imbued with wisdom?

White superiority is a place of over responsibility and a place where the ego is overly controlling. It is a place of limited possibilities, stagnation, control, fight, rigidity, stuckness, and non-change. If you are white you more than likely have been raised with a sense of over responsibility or over bearingness or control. And if this statement has gotten you hot under the collar, then there is definitely something to look at.

I began my spiritual journey by surrendering over and over again. Which was a really good place to start. Control was controlling my life and it wasn’t working for me any longer. The control was so big that I was unable to control the people around me to be the way I needed them to be in order to be safe. My controlling was so “good” that I tried controlling how my father was going to die. So I started to let go to the feminine flow. Now surrender can be a slippery slope. We aren’t made to surrender fully and be without our own power. That can be a powerless position if we aren’t taking responsibility for how we are creating our lives. Let’s just put it this way, it is taking responsibility for ourselves and not that of others.

But when we visit ourselves in those quiet moments, we are fully capable of letting go of the colonized mind, ancestral patterns and behaviours but the balance is we need our power to do it. We need to understand that being responsible for ourselves and who we are is where the rubber hits the road. Do we want to over power someone else in anyway? If we are overpowering someone else, then there is something within us that needs to be looked at. Are we not wanting to take responsibility for creating our own lives? Have we had to take responsibility before? Do we know how? Are we taking responsibility for other people instead of ourselves? Why do we feel that we know what’s best for someone else? Was that something that was done to us? Just because it was an ancestral pattern doesn’t mean you have to continue with it. There are no rules saying that we have to take on any ancestral patterning. We are born from our parents, but we are not of our parents. That is the untangling, enmeshment, part of being our own person, our own spirit, our own minds.

This is where personal power comes in. We can choose through our thoughts, what we want in our lives and if it is no longer serving us to be superior or to be controlling, then it’s time to let it go. The superior white person isn’t working anymore. It is time for all races of peoples to look inwards to themselves and to see the lack of responsibility or over responsibility we have taken with ourselves and with others, and to get back to center. Get back to clarity within. Get back to how we are all being within this world and do it from a place of love and compassion. Because, right now, that is what we are lacking….love and compassion for one another and for ourselves.

May this reach you with the utmost love and compassion to turn inwards to your spiritual practice and see that being the best person that you can be in this lifetime is really the goal. It isn’t who dies with the most cars, I can tell you right now you will never have enough…..it’s what is in your heart. What is in your heart?

With full transparency,

Jackie Gutknecht


Ancestral Patterning

