
Bullying is an energy of fear, harshness and control. When we have been bullied by our family or parents it is because it may have been a survival technique or way of covering our hurt and pain. This is an ancestral programming that may have been run up the flag pole to the great great ancestors that just was an energy of perceived survival or patriarchal control.

Now, I am not making excuses for bullying but I am seeing it from a compassionate perspective. If we have been bullied within our family system, it is probably systemic and if we are judging bullying, then it is more than likely we are carrying that energy that we learned early in our lives. The bullying can even been seen as bullying ourselves. How many times have you been hard on yourself when you made a perceived mistake or the way you look. It is a stance of fixing, judging or toughening up.

Throughout my childhood I was always told to toughen up. I was told I was way too sensitive. The toughening up was a “training” on how to survive the outer world. It was intended as a survival technique but really what we needed was a spiritual backbone not a bullying approach to myself and to others. This is when you have a systemic system of survival, within the family unit.

So how do you change this energy? Well you recognize that within yourself you are the victim and the perpetrator. It may be a dormant energy but when it is within you, you have the ability to pull it up and use it when you are triggered. When you feel threatened, when you are bullied by someone, or when you are protecting a pain. It may also be a means of holding yourself away from the deep pain that you are protecting within yourself. Maybe there is a feeling of unlovability or a broken piece within us that needs healing. The only way this is healed is by doing the inner work required to shift yourself and fully embody your Self. Get into meditation and speak to your soul. It has the answers and you have the means to change this energy within yourself.

We aren’t immune to the energies that we have been exposed to and we can choose to take a victim stance or we can be our own spiritual warriors and neutralize the energy of bullying. Because really, is it in our best interests to bully? No. If we are bullying others then we are certainly bullying ourselves. When do we finally cut ourselves the slack that we need to in order to be actually human? To be fallible, to be perfectly imperfect, to have emotion, to emote. When we work on how we treat ourselves with love and kindness then we will have the capacity and ability to treat others with love and kindness. It isn’t until we turn inwards to our own spiritual practice and see these patterns and behaviours, admit to them, take responsibility for them, heal them and then correct and replace them with love and compassion are we really doing our work.

I pray for the wisdom and courage that you have access to, to change that bullying energy that may be within you and change yourself into that loving person you always wanted to be. Because when you do that, you will have a more peaceful and loving life, and isn’t that what we all deserve? I say yes :)

I send you the deepest bravery to see the bullying energy that may lie within you and heal it.

With grace and respect,

Jackie Gutknecht


White Superiority

