United States Political Unrest

I know we are Canadian but as neighbours to the north how can we not see or feel what is occurring in the “United” States? My “go to” is usually to get highlights from my husband about what is happening and then dip my toe in to get a general sense of what has transpired. However, after last Wednesday’s storming of Capital Hill. I was left uneasy. I actually felt incensed, angry and it just feels unbelievable what is occurring in addition to Covid-19. It makes for confusing and stressful times. There is such division, anger and chaos it reminds me of my spiritual practice I had this morning and it was that of bringing in more of my own power into my solar plexus. When you bring in more power, sometimes there is chaos of feeling that needs to clear in order for more ease and grace to come in.

If you look at what is transpiring now in the US, it is a breakdown of the structures and a rising of the feminine energies, the power of the people, what is right for all people and not just a select few. The trick to finding the place of ease and grace is to find your truth within what is happening. Go to the leaders that speak from the heart and don’t have an agenda other than goodness and kindness and service to the whole.

I can have many opinions about all the things that are happening at the moment but I am not there, I don’t have a clear perspective of what occurred by whom and why. All I can do, is hold this space within myself that sees the TRUTH in the matter and I believe it is all happening for a reason. There is a reason that leaders are being taken down and the chaos is stirring up the status quo that is no longer working. When we use that chaos to see what needs to change within ourselves, then we can be in our power.

Just as I am channeling this message, I get a call from a Jehovah Witness citing scripture and bible teachings. It’s was God’s way of speaking to me through George. He (God) said to me to be loving and compassionate to one another. To respect each person’s beliefs and values and when we do this we are in Unity and Harmony. After lengthy discussions, I expressed to George how I hoped that he reached the people he needed to reach today and I was going to do the same. And although he was giving me websites and resources to help me, I politely declined and wished him well on his endeavours. We actually agreed to find common ground but disagree on other fundamentals. But my discussions with George was that we can all be working towards helping everyone find their own truth as long as we respect each other. To be in service. We are all connected when we can see the child of God in others but they have to see it you also, as George and I have seen in each other today.

My hope is for you to feel into your truth. What is true for you? Are these storming’s fearful? Are the actions fear based? If they are not loving, compassionate, respectful and are not for the best intentions of the whole, then we are in need of healing and sometimes healing comes in the most difficult of lessons.

For me, I have had my share of difficult lessons and I choose to learn in the spirit of ease and grace and I ask for that in my spiritual practice every day. What are you asking for in your spiritual practice? Clarity? Ease? Grace? Love? Compassion? Unity? Respect for one another? Because when you connect with God, you will know what you need to heal within yourself, you will know what way to take, you will know and feel when something is or isn’t true, you will know how to get through difficulties and you will know who is getting a hard lesson and who is going through with ease and grace.

When you can discern ease and grace and you prefer ease and grace, then you can choose ease and grace. But you can’t do it without God. And don’t discount the hard lessons, they have many many things to teach you also.

To me the spiritual practice that you have with God at the helm will always show you the truth of you, and any situation, and it will lead you out, in or through with all the ease and grace you are willing to surrender to. Anchor your spiritual practice within your life because no matter what you are doing, life may at times not be easy but it will be more graceful with God on your side. You gotta just trust and set the belief that he is holding your yolk for you.

Here is to finding the truth within yourself and with God no matter what is happening within your life. I know that my life is more enriched with God in it. It is only with Him that I can be open hearted.

May God bless you, whoever your God is. At the end of the day, we all come from the same Source. So the God part of me sends blessings of love to the God part of you.

May you find ease and grace within these times.

Jackie Gutknecht


The Gift of Service


Desert Rose