
I want to discuss and address the purity of children.  Remember when you were a child?  Take a moment to think back about one pure time in your childhood that brought you joy….Did you do that?  Do you recall something?

I think back to times of simplicity, innocence but mostly the purity of connection, possibilities, playful times, those great memories that make us children.

My view is that children come into this world as open, innocent and wonderfully connected human beings.  Just the other day I was in the grocery store and I saw an infant and I don’t know what stopped me but I was about 20 feet away and that little child saw me, we locked eyes and I acknowledged the spiritual being of that child and she waved to me and pointed me out and I in return told her that I saw her.  There was a lady that watched the whole exchange and said, there is nothing more sacred in this world that being able to connect as we had done as two human beings.  That little girl brought me to tears.  I am so grateful for that exchange.  It was like she touched me with her divinity so pure and so new. Her soul spoke to me.

For me, life experiences are what bring us out of that childhood state, or keep pieces of us stuck in our childhood.  Let me explain what I mean about that.  When we experience trauma, there is a part of us that gets stuck in that experience.  If we speak about sexual trauma, our bodies, minds, and souls are experiencing this part of ourselves at the age of the trauma.  That is where we are stuck.  As we grow up, we can act out this wounding in a way that is unhealthy.  Maybe we are shut down sexually.  Maybe we act out what we have learned.  Maybe we become overly sexual.  Whatever the case, this is lower chakra issues.  This is a place of where we have learned to not trust.  We don’t trust ourselves, we don’t trust others, we don’t trust life, maybe we don’t want to live, maybe we don’t want to interact with people, maybe we don’t speak, maybe we don’t move our bodies, maybe develop eating disorders, whatever the case we are wounded for life.  But when we are children that is when we are most resilient.  We can bounce back easier than we can as an adult.  We just have to find a way to be in a different kind of relationship to the trauma, allow feelings to be expressed, and to energetically move out that energy.  This takes time and baby steps.  The root chakra, the place of trust, is a very slow moving energy and it takes time to build that trust even within ourselves, let alone with other people.

So having said that, we need to start at a beginning.  We need to start out the unraveling process with things that we may feel more trusting of….like horses, dogs, cats, birds, whatever wonderful animal we can connect with.  Then we start the foundation of building trust in ourselves, letting go of emotion and giving tools that will help to heal the trauma within ourselves.

As a Healer, it is important for me to support the family unit through this trauma.  That is helping parents take responsibility for the ancestral energies that they have inherited and how it has been passed down to their children and how do we clear those energies and stop the wounding down the line.  As parents, how do we forgive our parents for their energies that they passed down.  Or better yet, what tools do we have in our toolbox to move to a more joyful, happy, purposeful life?  My job is to help families stay together, to heal, to forgive, to come to a place of love and trust and to ultimately trust in their soul’s life and journey here on this planet in this lifetime without the co-dependent, chaotic drama that is trauma.

But we need to start somewhere.  Somewhere small.  We, Bilbo (the wonder horse) and I lovingly introduce the start of the horse program and let’s learn to have fun learning and let go of being frozen in fear. I invite you to join us to connect to horses and take that small first step to healing.

With much love and compassion,





Despair vs. Hope