Despair vs. Hope

When we open to the despair of experiences we may have had or an overall feeling of despair, then we recognize the duality of hope, or possibilities.

Despair is a feeling close to depression or sadness.  It is a feeling of victimization where we are without recourse or we don’t know what do to.  We feel utterly helpless.  When we feel into this feeling on an energetic level we can dispel this feeling, explore it, heal it and open ourself up to possibilities.

Despair can be a heavy, dark, weighted feeling that leaves you now knowing what do to next, not having the power to do what you need to do next, or just not even having the energy to do anything, or event the knowing of what do do next.  I looked up the meaning of despair and it is the complete absence of hope.

Do not despair.  Let us hope.  What is hope?  I looked that up in the dictionary also.  It means:  A feeling of expectation or a desire for something to happen.

For those of you who look deeply into your emotional world, despair is something that when you recognize, acknowledge and bring to your consciousness, you open yourself up to hope and possibilities.  You can’t have one without the other.

Shadow work is deep and dark.  But in the excavation of our deepest emotions as a human being, we can uncover the truth of who we really are and what we are capable of.  Being the Master of your emotions opens you up to the possibilities and the magic of what we can create.  It is a matter of knowing thyself.  Knowing your emotions.  Understanding where they came from or what caused them. When we heal them and our situations or relationships, then we open ourselves up to the greatest possibilities that we can create in this world and what we are capable of.

I know I know I know, these are not easy topics to discuss.  Who enjoys talking about despair?  But when we uncover those blankets of darkness that are on our soul from this life, past life, ancestral patterns, experiences, then we open ourselves to the hope and possibilities of what we truly are and are capable of.

So on the side of hope.  It is love.  It isn’t an ungrounded way of feeling like a flakey spiritual person that just hopes for something to happen.  It can be a grounded way in which we manifest our greatest hopes in the physical on this earth.  That is what we are meant to do.  We are meant to explore our inner world and bring out our magnificence into this reality.  We are meant to open ourselves to the possibilities of hope and grandeur that we want to create in our lives.  It is directly attached to our dreams.  But we don’t just have to dream it, we can bring it to fruition.  We all have the power.  We all have the ability.  We just have to turn into our own hearts to hear what is the next step to our dreams.  The hope will hold you in a place of love and possibilities beyond your expectations or limitations.  We just need to get out of our own way.

I pray for you to uncover your despair and feel the hope and possibilities within you and seeing the love and grandeur that you are.

With deep love and respect,





Spiritual Pain