Spiritual Pain

When I connect in with the collective consciousness, we are in spiritual pain.  In the lack of spiritual connection we are acting out our pain, our shame, our hurt, our guilt, our anger out on God, each other and ourselves.  That spiritual pain is lack of love, lack of compassion, and lack of kindness…again to God, others and ourselves.  As humans we are imperfect.  We make mistakes.  We take wrong turns.  We take a wrong path.  We don’t always get it right.  But that is what makes us human.  So how do we heal the spiritual pain?  We do our shadow work.

Unrequited love is a prime example of spiritual pain.  If we are feeling unloved or not getting our share of love or “no one” loves us, or we can’t find love….then we need to ask ourselves why.  Sometimes it is unexplainable.  Maybe you don’t have it in your recent past but maybe it is ancestral patterning, or a past life energy that you have carried forward and is here to show you what needs healing.  Or maybe you do have trauma that has left you feeling victimized demoralized and feelings as though you don’t deserve love.

Another form of spiritual pain is how hard we can be on ourselves. The way in which we beat ourselves up, we flog ourselves, we say we were wrong, or we shouldn’t have said this or shouldn’t have said or done that. How we say we don’t deserve this or that. How we mentally put ourselves down. How we treat our bodies with bad food, or self talk or judgment. Or how we neglect our emotions. How we store them away to unleash on someone else or some cause. Or maybe we stuff them down with food or drink. There are so many ways in which we torture or kills ourselves. It is part of being unaware of our thoughts and actions that keep us in old patterns that are keeping us from the love that we are.

Another deepening level of love is spiritually from Source/God/Universal Love. Do we feel we deserve love from Source? Are we too afraid to receive that pure love? Do we think it will overpower us? Are we stuck in anger with God, religion, or dogma? Do we know what belief has us stuck? Is there an undeserving feeling of being a sinner or not good enough? How do we uncover that which is preventing our light?

Well I am here to tell you that we all deserve love.  We all are worthy of love.  By the mere fact that we have breath in our lungs means we are….LOVE.  Our job is to recognize, acknowledge and heal those parts of us that don’t think or can’t feel we are deserving of love…and allow ourselves to receive it, FEEL it, to be it.

What we need is belief.  We need to believe in ourselves, in our Creator, in others. We need to trust that we are worthy of love and that it is safe for us to love one another and ourselves.  We can still love those that are “unloveable” in that moment but the truth of the matter is that love is within you and is you.

I contemplate the problems that we are having in this world today and it seems that if we all were not so spiritually in pain and we were open to the love from God/Source/Creator, open to love from others and open to loving ourselves, then we would have much less conflict, much less turmoil and much more kindness, understanding and compassion for one another.

So if you get a little prickly or uncomfortable around love, then you know there is some work to be done.  If you are sitting waiting for love, then there may be a part of you that is unable to receive love.  Maybe there is some unrequited love within you.  If that is the case, and you want growth or maybe just peace, then you need to unveil that energy within you.

If you need help with that, I am here to help you to receive love.  Whether that is through Source, through your own soul or with others, open yourself up to the great possibility of love.  And let that love bring in kindness, compassion and grace while you are at it.  This will help you in the peace that you may be seeking in your life or the peace you want within the world.  Because, guess what, it starts with you.  Not anyone else.  Just you.

May this reach you in search of deepening the love that you have in you to uncover like treasure, like a gift.   Remember, you are loved, you are love and you have great capacity to love, you just need to want to.  With the deepening into your spiritual practice and healing your spiritual pain, may you find the wonderful love within you.


Jackie Gutknecht


Despair vs. Hope


Resistance Fighter