Duality, Contrast and Non-conformity

As I delve deeper into my spiritual practice I notice that duality is showing up more and more in my way of exploration.  Intuitively I have been working through my healing process not really understanding that it was duality.  It was just natural way of healing.  Let me explain….

When I first started understanding my emotions, I realized early on that I didn’t know what peace was.  I knew what chaos was but I did not experience peace.  This is the nature of duality.  There is a yin to yang.  There is a right to wrong.  There is a good to bad.  There is a up to down, heaven and earth.  You get the jist.

When we, as humans, in my experience, have experienced trauma, the nature of duality can be particularly one sided.  For example, when you have experienced victimization, it is hard to know in that moment what it feels like to be empowered.

So in our healing process, it is much more gentle, loving and kind to embrace the nature of the experience and work with the dualistic nature of that experience.  That is what brings us into balance.  Clinically put, trauma is an unbalance in our systems.

Take for instance ADD.  In my case I have a pretty good understanding of the operating nature of my brain.  I understand what is working and what isn’t working.  But what I can tell you is that in order to heal the brain, we need to understand the imbalance that has taken place and how to heal or correct that.  In all transparency, the brain and ego can be very one sided in it’s thinking.  For example, we may think we are right.  But really what is happening is that we want to be right or hold our position of rightness or what we think is right may only be right for us.  We hold this because of trauma and it’s perceived safety within ourselves. Our rightness, could be wrong for the other person, we could be holding a non-moving rigid way of thinking, we could be scared to move out of our pattern of inflexibility.  There are many reasons for that safety net that the ego has created.  How do we unwind that?  Well, prayer and awareness and working through your thoughts, questioning, and sometimes being confused, it all is a way of working through our stuff.

What I can tell you is that being angry at the brain or ego for being the way it is, was my modus operandi.  But in all compassion, I didn’t know any better, until now.  The gentleness, compassion and love that we absolutely need in our healing process is imperative for the transformation of the ego and the health of our brain.  When we see the anger and hold it in love, isn’t that duality?  When we see our righteousness and hold it in patience and compassion that shifts to understanding and connection with others.

I was also looking at my resistance.  I have had my share of resistance in this lifetime but it wasn’t until now that I could actually see this resistance with love and see that it had a job to do at the time.  And now that I can hold it in love, I can see that the dualistic nature is that of flow.  How beautiful is that!  When I hold my resistance in love, I can go into flow.  And am I in flow all the time?  No.  But am I in resistance all the time?  No.  So see how duality of it works?  It is really really important to understand and be in connection or open to the dual nature of life.  It helps us in our healing and the healing of all things.  This is the way we balance our brains and heal within.  But it does start with God, love, grace and compassion.

In speaking to duality, it also speaks to contrast.  I am wondering if you would be willing to ask yourself…”What is the contrast to something that you are experiencing in your life at the moment?”  Try this on for size.  If you are in a situation and you are really sitting in the muck of it, ask yourself, “What am I feeling or experiencing in this moment…with one word?”  What would be the contrasting thought or dual thought or experience to this one word?  Not to by-pass your word, but to hold it in love and allow your soul to guide you through it to the contrasting word.

I pray this has given you food for thought and that you can find the dualistic nature of life, as it actually is, and move from your stuckness to more flow within your life, with the tool of contrast and duality.  Try to be non-conformist and find your own way, your own unique signature, your way of being….because there is only one you and God made you that way.

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