Fierce Warrior

I want to share with those Empaths that are very very sensitive, especially if you are women. I would like to share with you the feeling of the experience of how some of your sensitivity may have come about and what it means to you and to the world.

I have been going through some past life regression work and it is very very deep work. There are particular patterns that occur in my life that I have a knowing is meant for me to work through in this life and it has nothing, if at all, to do with what happened in this lifetime. When you have cleared away everything in this life that is not yours and then you wonder why you still do the certain things that you do, the only explanation is that you are meant to work through past lives. When you go deep enough into your spiritual practice you will know that this is true.

Now for women, it is my belief that because women or the feminine energy has been suppressed for so long there are many things that we had to do to survive. It is no coincidence with the rise of the feminine energy that we are going to have to look at those dark corners within our selfs so that we can move through, sweep up the dust bunnies and bring them into the light. Because when we look at those dark corners, we make literal room energetically for the new energies to come in. So the hard work is to hold yourself in the deepest spaces of love, compassion, forgiveness and mercy. Because when you do that for yourself, you can do that for others.

When I say we must embrace the light, we can be supported by spirit always in all ways, but if we want to move forward in our spiritual journey, ascend, and become support for other people here on this earth plane, then we need to do our work. We need to search for those things that are holding us back, those edges that prevent us from going into a certain place, an emotion that has charge, for when we are fierce warriors for our selves then we can hold the space for other warriors to become brave, courageous and warriors.

I want to say to those very sensitive Empaths, love yourself first. Practice loving yourself always because even though there may be places that you just don’t understand why you keep having this certain pattern or this way of doing things, know that you may have a past life that is influencing your behaviour and if you do, you need to feel it, mourn it, beat the crap out of it, hold it in love, and then you can free up that energy to do more of what your soul is meant to do here on this earth. Because this is Earth School, and what would you rather be learning? More of yourself? The more you learn about yourself, the more you fulfill your dreams, your life purpose, your happiness, your fullness, your acceptance of self, your truth, your power, your love, your wisdom, your harmony, and your your your.

So for those spiritual warriors that are in this game of knowing yourself and following the spiritual path, know that I am standing right along side you with the shield and sword, as a spiritual warrior, fighting along side of you.

May you find the bravery, courage and love to find yourself and remember who you are. With the deepest of love and blessings.

May you Embrace more of your Light.

Jackie Gutknecht


Victimization and Responsibility


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