Victimization and Responsibility

In my experience when I have been victimized it has given me a reason to not be responsible. Let me explain.....If you have forcibly had your power taken away from you then you may become irresponsible, in a sense, for your own safety. You can sit so long in that irresponsibility and victim hood that you can hardly understand what is means to be responsible. How do you take responsibility back and what is it that you haven’t taken responsibility for? You may be responsible to pay that bill or get that oil change but are you responsible for how you feel about what has happened to you? Are you responsible for how you respond or react to people? Are you responsible for your life and your life choices?

What I have gratefully learned from being victimized is that the spiritual path or experience gives you the ability to be responsible for your life. And even if you aren’t accustomed to taking responsibility for your life, then you can learn and push yourself to move through those things that are difficult that will get you to your hearts desire. The point is that you can change through your spiritual practice when you ask for that change.

For me having been victimized, I was not even aware of being irresponsible for my life. I had the attitude that life was happening to me and not for me. My train of thought was all people are bad, they all have an ulterior motive, I can’t get what I want, I will never fulfill my dreams. But when I had my spiritual awakening I was able to grow and learn that even though it is tough as hell sometimes to move through those things that scare me that in that discomfort I know I will get growth out the other end. I have also learned that when I didn’t know how to move through something difficult or when I was frozen in fear, spirit really helped me. I have been always guided by God/Source/Universal Source whatever your term is for Infinite Love. When I opened my heart to the possibility of actually fulfilling my dream there were times that I lost sight of that dream. I questioned the dream. I tried moving away from the dream and convincing myself otherwise, it was impossible, I actually was brought back to my dream. It was always meant to be and although I still work through those tough times, healings, expansion, growth, I don’t always get it right, but I am always steadfast in moving forward. And when I feel that I just can’t do it anymore, I get a boost to get me back on track.

Being a sensitive spiritual person, doesn’t mean that we can’t have dreams, it just means we need to surround ourselves with like minded people that are also guided and that can help us when we need a boost. Or guide us in the right direction. As long as we are open to seeing, sensing, feeling and moving through those obstacles, then we are living a full life. It ain’t always pretty but it’s much more fulfilling and joyful when you are fulling your dreams, whatever they may be.

So for those people that have been victimized, it doesn’t mean you are a victim. Let go of the label. See yourself as a person that has been victimized and when you get through the self sabotage, the self pity, the self victimization, then you can be that strong person for yourself and the next person that needs your help along their journey. You can do that through your vulnerability, taking responsibility for your life and healing yourself through your spiritual practice. And just know that you can heal yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually if you really want to, you just need to take responsibility and do the work.

In the deepest of compassion for where you are at in your life, I send you energies of responsibility and self empowerment and to live your life to the fullest of joy that you can even if you have been victimized. Remember you aren’t alone and there are many many others out there that have a story to tell, just as you do. So start your healing journey today.

In loving kindness and compassion, embrace your light and the light of the Divine.

Jackie Gutknecht


Horse Wisdom


Fierce Warrior