The Fire Within You

We know that there are the 4 elements of earth, water, fire, and air. Today I want to discuss the aspects of fire’s co-relation to emotion and how it serves us in our lives as a important tool of empowerment.

Fire is the Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra centre of power and will. Fire and the 3rd Chakra is the colour of yellow but fire can also be orange and red which is not coincidental in our manifestation. In order to bring or manifest what we want in our lives, we need to do it from our lower three chakras starting at the solar plexus.

Emotionally, when I feel into the fire element I always feel angry. When you think about it, fire is angry. If you get to close to it, it’s hot, it bites you, it’s powerful. Fire clears away the old to bring in the new. Fire can be big and it can be small. It can be a slow burn or it can be a fast burn depending on accelerant or what it’s burning.

When fire/anger is suppressed, in my experience, we become depressed or shutdown. This may be a way that we learned how to be in our lives but it isn’t the way we are meant to be. Fire provides many many benefits to us in our lives. It gives you the energy to get up and do something about something you may feel strongly about. Fire also provides us with the knowledge of how to work with boundaries within ourselves. Fire also provides us clarity, as it burns away what isn’t necessary. There can be a silent fire/anger that is within us when we have experienced something that we didn’t have a voice to express ourselves. For instance if something happened to you in infancy and your anger would be suppressed because you didn’t have the ability to get angry, or you couldn’t yet speak. It is also more likely that your power has been taken from you especially if you were victimized as an infant. This is all in the 3rd Chakra, the solar plexus. The power centre. The digestive area, the stomach.

A way that we come back to ourselves is through meditation and knowing thyself. In order to heal that part of ourselves, deep contemplation and in curious questioning that we unpeel the layers of energy that hold us in a place of not tapping into our power.

There is no Sentient Being or person that is entitled to hold back your power within yourself. God/Source has brought us each individually onto this earth to have our own experiences and it is to be in our power. So if you feel that you are below or less than a person (any person), then there is a good place to start to work through why you feel this? Why do I feel a victim? Who victimized me? Is this something I was born with? Is this something I experienced? When? Get to know the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How. We may not always get the why and we don’t want to go into blame or shame. We want to feel the anger of that victimization and allow ourselves to be human. As we bring this to the light, we are gifted with our own power that may have been suppressed and can move us into healing and energy movement of doing something about it.

If we have been victimized at an infancy age, then it is most likely that our power has been taken away from us. Whether you CONSCIOUSLY know it or not, our soul’s know what has happened and our soul is always leading us to healing. So if you are experiencing a constant victimhood, depression, physical manifestation or dis-ease, low energy, a lack of anger in your life, then you may have something that is within your energy body that wants to come to the surface.

Anger is a hot emotion. It can get stuck if we don’t tap into it and physically move it with big gestures. For instance, if we take a hike with strong intention, or beat a tire with a sledge hammer, we are working that core muscle that is expelling that anger so it doesn’t sit in there and smoulder and suppress. It is important that we get it out. Now I am not saying that we project onto others but we can do it in much more healthy healing ways that benefit you and your body.

So use anger to your advantage. If you aren’t able to move that much and your energy feels heavy you may have some suppressed anger that is seething and waiting to come out, you just have to turn inwards and see what the truth of it is. That is the empowerment of what your 2nd and 3rd chakra can tell you. Give yourself the gift of anger. It is an element that needs to burn and for me I like to burn it with more of a balance than a smouldering. What is your fire doing?




Parenting your Fear

