
From a very young age I always had big feet.  My size 11 feet were always something that I was self conscious of and I was teased about.  It lead me to see my feet as a way of having a good understanding.  Now the literal translation is that under my standing my feet were supporting me physically.  It wasn’t that I had a good understanding of all mental constructs.  Can you see the difference?  My black and white thinking got me into trouble or had me missing the meaning of things.  I would dismiss and move over things that were being said to me because I didn’t have understanding.  It’s very subtle but it is important.  The veil was there as a curtain that I couldn’t quite see into.

Having now been woken up to the actual mental construct of understanding, I wonder how many others lack understanding.  Now this mental construct is something that we need to feel into so that we may understand each other better.  If we are behaviourally black and white thinkers, then we are missing out on the nuance of grey.  We may be lacking in our understanding.

When I opened up to understanding the word understanding….lol, I realized that some of the relationship issues that came to the surface were from my lack of understanding other people’s point of view.  Now as an emotional empath, I understood that in other people but the meaning behind the emotion is a mental understanding of why.  If you don’t understand why someone is feeling the way they are feeling then you can really never fully empathize.  You skirt over the issue without acknowledgment.  It’s an energy of acceptance, hearing, listening, empathizing, sympathizing, and acknowledgment. The same can be said for yourself.  You can more deeply understand the why in yourself and the actions that you have taken when you actually actualize the word understanding.

There were blocks to this word of understanding and to give you a heads up of what it looked like for me. It was affirmations of what I was missing.  I would say to myself that I was listening.  I would try my hardest to listen to a person but something was always amiss.  There was a curtain, a veil, a brush past.  It was frustrating.  It was just out of my reach.  I tried “I hear you”.  But what was really missing was I UNDERSTAND.  I needed to understand the point of view.  I needed to hear, to listen, to then understand.  It was like taking a full breath of air.  It was like phew….I finally got it.

Now this may be a bit confusing.  As I write this I wonder if it will land for you but it makes sense to me in this moment and I have to trust that will make sense to those that need it just as it has for me.

This is deep subtle work and when we are working on our own mental constructs, it is important to look at the things that we are missing so that we can be well rounded. 

When you embody the word understanding, you forego fear and really get to learn and understand the universe and all it has to offer.  Your questions are answered more clearly and they make sense.  You have a deep understanding of why things are the way they are, you are open to receiving answers.  It’s wisdom.  It’s powerful.  It’s knowledge.

If you think about it, how many people lack understanding.  If we had more understanding do you think we would have the problems in the world as we do?  Who’s to say.  But with understanding I think we would be open to more compassion.  And as we have more compassion we can help each other through our limitations and bring the wars down to discussions.

Mental constructs are something that we can work through when we trust within our own souls.  When we dive deep into ourselves and unveil those things that bring us into more well rounded individuals, then we can be more at peace within ourselves and be in less conflict with others.

Understanding may seem like a trivial word but when you embody this word, energy, mental state, then you can have a depth of understanding of all things.  Not just relationships.  Everything.

So if you have a common thought in your head that says “I don’t know” or a pattern that skips over listening, and you still feel as though you are missing something, then I would encourage you to really contemplate or meditate on understanding.  Because when you do, mentally you become much more clearer….in my experience.

I have said this before and in my experience, when you open up to the full range of emotions and mental constructs then we can be more solid in who we are, stronger mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  You trust yourself more, you trust others more, the benefits are endless.

Sending you the deep embracing of the word understanding and its importance in our mental constructs.  May this find those that need and want to understand more.  In the name of expansion.  Understand.


Jackie Gutknecht




Dark vs. Light