
Entanglements, enmeshment, and co-dependent behaviours.

I have been on this spiritual journey my entire life. But it wasn’t until I was awakened that I realized that my relationships were entangled. Especially the ones with my family.

Now, when you are born from your mother’s womb, it is perfectly understandable that we are meshed with our mother’s energy. It is necessary until we no longer need their enmeshment. Now that can present itself is a number of different ways. From a child’s perspective maybe you are taking on your mother’s ailments? Maybe you have similar behaviours or mannerisms? Maybe you have a relationship that you have had role reversal? There may be duplicating addictions or coping mechanisms. Maybe you have the same mental thought processes? Maybe you have similar physical qualities.

If you are an Empath or a deeply sensitive individual, some of these qualities above may not be your own. They may be manifestations of what you feel but have yet to unravel from. Now obviously you can’t get away from having your mother’s nose unless you opt for plastic surgery but you can change your own behaviours and or patterns if you are willing to see those patterns. Or if you are feeling a certain way all the time, it may not be your own. It’s all a matter of awareness, the spiritual journey and your belief in energy medicine.

What I want to share is that if you are spiritually awakened and you can recognize that patterns or similarities exist and you don’t necessarily think they are your own, then it could very well be the case. Our entanglements keep us in a pattern of powerlessness and victimization which really could be generational. It is why ancestral patterning and energy work is so important. It is when we are energetically feeling, discerning and aware of our patterns, our parents patterns, and our parents’ parents’ patterns is when we can unravel all co-dependent behaviours, become empowered, and live our own truths and not those of our other people’s that is really important for our spiritual and personal growth.

Now, it isn’t always easy to change behaviours but you can start with boundaries. Typically if you have been raised without the knowledge or training around your personal boundaries, then this is a good place to start. These boundaries may present as energetic, physical, emotional or mental boundaries and spiritual boundaries. But that is where the rubber hits the road. You need to see energetically where you are loosing your power.

Part of the human experience is to experience our humanness and learning. We are on this earth to grow personally and spiritually and to really step into what we are meant to do here on earth. If we are aware that we have purpose on this earth but we are unaware of what our purpose is, then there may be some unravelling that needs to occur. In our spiritual growth is where we find our purpose.

Emotions play a very big part in telling us if we are or not on track. But if we are feeling other people’s emotions and we haven’t learned to get a good sense of our own emotions, then there is some unravelling to do. There is energy work to be done.

Anxiety is a good indicator of a lot of things. Think of anxiety as a energy that tells you that you have strayed from your centre and you are not living in your fullest truth. It can feel like you are getting sandpaper grated against you and that is because there is something that needs your attention.

I can tell you that my life has been filled many times with anxiety. Totally erasing anxiety isn’t an option because you can’t honour yourself or your emotions if you are ignoring and negating them. What you can do is that if you are feeling anxious is to discern why you are having anxiety. Is it yours? Is it because your gut told you one thing and you did something else and now your body is showing you…oops, you should have listened? Are you listening to yourself (If not you got to get better at it)? Is your anxiety a case of not being in the moment. There are many reasons for having anxiety and if you are sensitive to energy, then you have the answers within you as to why you are feeling what you are feeling. The key is to slow down and ask where it’s coming from. What is it here to tell you? What can you learn from it? How can you do it better the next time?

This is part of the empowerment experience. You need to listen to your inner voice and whether you are a kid or not it doesn’t matter. We all have the voice. I think if you are a kid you are quicker to learn because you haven’t got all this programming that you have absorbed over a lifetime.

I think kids are way more resilient than we give them credit for and this may be the way that we were programmed by our parents and so on and so on and so on. I think kids are a perfect place to see our own mirror. They are always reflecting back to us what we need to learn. They are way more open channels and have the ability to teach us if we are willing to learn.

So how do we untangle these cords, entanglements, meshing, co-dependent behaviour? Good question. Start with yourself. You can’t change others unless you change yourself. What I would say is that if you are a parent and your kids are having problems of some kind that you are unsure of, it is imperative that you look at your own behaviours, beliefs and patterns to see how that is affecting your child. What are the things that your parents did with you? How does that apply to your child? Are you repeating patterns. Does your child express to you what they are feeling and are you really hearing them?

I can tell you, I don’t have children but I see that my life is imitating my mother’s life in many many ways. And as I sit back and look at all the decisions that I made in life, it was because of how I was raised, the emotions that I felt were mine, and all the things that I absorbed in those formative years. And as I untangle these cords and become more aware of these things, the more I learn about myself and how I can make different decisions and how I can learn more.

It isn’t always easy, but it is more fulfilling. Being stuck in one place all the time and boxing yourself in so that you have no where to go, is no way to live. You have to break free so that you can live a full life of awareness, joy and fulfillment. You can certainly do it much more gracefully if you have a spiritual connection and you are willing to look at yourself and see what energies need attention so that you can become more strong spiritually and walk in the fullness and completeness of who you really are. Because your soul knows, it has been through many lives and it will always lead you to your truest self. You just have to listen. And if you have trouble listening, then you may have a energy pattern that is preventing that. So get an energy healing and unblock that pattern or belief that is limiting you to who you are.

I pray that you embrace yourself and that you love yourself as deeply and completely as you can through your process. Because you are unravelling things that you have never probably realized are there. It takes time. Be patient and do it with love.

Blessings to you.

Jackie Gutknecht


Our new Moon

