Our new Moon

We have been blessed in our household to receive a new addition to our family. Her name is Moon. She is a wonderful border collie that has been rehomed with us by a very brave woman who has such deep care for her that in all her pain she was able to let go of this beautiful girl that she raised from a puppy. We salute her and commend her for her bravery.

She has been only with us since last night and I have started to work with her to heal. Fortunately we already have a wonderful dog named Shorty who is part border collie and she has been with us for a very long time. With the experience that we have had with Shorty and the training that we learned from her, we are applying it to Moon.

What I am learning is that it took a lot of time to shift Shorty from a jumping, anxious, not listening, leash pulling, dog. But I can’t help but wonder what the reflection is for me to learn? I do know what it all means for me and I see that it is to help me to deepen into myself and what I need. Moon is here to show me the deepest part of compassion that I can open up to with her and her previous owner. She has showed me that I need more patience. And she is showing me how to take time for myself when I need it. To turn inwards from the chaos outside of myself and all the little ways that I have been avoiding what my soul needs.

She is teaching me how I am over caring, over responsible and leaving my space to make sure she is alright. Not staying in my space and asking for help. It is so interesting to see how leaving my centeredness doesn’t serve her, or me. And in all the time that I feel like how can that previous owner have so much anxiety, I am seeing the anxiety in myself! The judgment is a reflection of what is going on for me. It’s God little trick to make us turn back to ourselves and deepen into relationship with ourselves and with God. It’s a place to ask for help because we aren’t meant to do it all on our own. And anyone that does any kind of energy or spiritual work, understands the tons of information that you are tapping into when you go through changes like this.

My learnings bring me back to respecting and honouring Moon’s process and for my process. I can’t fix it for her. But I can teach her the new boundaries and what we expect of her. At the same time, respecting what she needs and what she wants. And as a, smart as a whip, sentient being, she will learn and understand and already is (just like Shorty). I feel like the shifting in energies, earthly safety energies is slow moving like the earth. So even though we are getting quick hits from Source or God or we are reading energy, it takes time for the physical body and the mind to catch up or to ground the new energies and see the change. That leads me right back to myself. What is triggered inside of me? What do I need and when? What is pulling me off of my centre? What questions do I need to be asking myself and God? What is my relationship to stress or anxiety? I heard this morning presence.

We can’t all do it at once but how do we respect each other through this process. It’s going to be hard for all of us but that is where change occurs. It occurs in the difficult times. So how do I stay centred? How do I allow her her own process? How do I give her space? How do I allow time, patience and love to shift and bring us into healthy relationship?

So I watch my husband go through this. He sits there and Moon is immediately drawn to him. He is a very very safe place for all of us as we all transition. He is solid in his centre. He is grounded. He alleviates the stress with humour. He is truly a master. His silence is a strength. It is amazing to witness that by doing nothing, he is doing something. He is just Being his wonderful self.

I had a wonderful dog named Tubs a number of years ago and he was a huge mirror for me at the time. But I wasn’t spiritually awake when I had Tubs so I wasn’t able to see his messages or read the energy as I do now. It was no coincidence that I was getting a Pug for a dog that I saw as wilful, mind his own and that the world revolved around him. It was a glaring reflection of where I was at the time. I got him to help me with my loneliness and as a companion. But the deeper teachings I am receiving still today as I look back on some of the things we went through are amazing. I can see the shift that I have received in his teachings to me and that was in 2014 the same year my dad passed away. The correlations are endless.

I believe animals are Sentient Beings that are to be respected and observed as intelligent individuals. They may be God’s gift to us but they are not meant to be dominated by us, they are meant to coexist with us in partnership, respect and love. I believe that they have many things to show us if we are open and willing to receive and it can be viewed if you are familiar with mirror work. They bring us closer to our true selves if we are willing to see it in that way. Now, my belief is that we do need to take leadership roles with our pet partners but usually for their safety and security so that they may thrive and be happy. But we can only do that when we do it for ourselves first. It’s like the flight attendant’s on the planes. You are to put on the breathing mask on yourself before your kids because you can’t help them if you are not breathing!!!! So it starts with the inner work. What are they here to teach us? Are we listening to them and ourselves?

It is amazing the shifts you can see within yourself spiritually. If you are respecting your pet partners, then are you respecting yourself? If you are giving your pet partners space, are you giving it to yourself? If you are giving your pet partners love, are you giving it to yourself? Are you over loving them while negating your own need for love? Is there balance? Are you in prayer for ease and grace in your transition? I know I am. Thank you God for bringing us Moon and for the ease and grace. Because if it wasn’t for God, then we would be in deeper anxiety and it would be a lot tougher.

God Bless all of those families that are adjusting to a new “Moon” in your lives and I hope this reaches those that need an inspiring way of seeing your new addition.

Grab onto your light and you will attract that which you are ready to learn.

Jackie Gutknecht



