
Are you feeling powerless?

There may be something that is subconscious that is preventing you from stepping into your power. It may have been something that happened before an age that you were able to remember or you may have suppressed it. There could be a number of reasons.

When we get into meditation, we can look at the ways that we have become powerless. You can see how that powerlessness has contributed to the life that you have experienced until the moment that you decide it’s time to live from a place of internal Self power.

My healing around powerlessness was an incident that happened as an infant. I was powerless in a situation and I was made to feel unsafe and that was a program of being unsafe in my body and being a victim. This resulted in deep ungroundedness and victimhood. It wasn’t until I was in a deep meditative state that I was able to uncover this memory and vision and was able to heal it. This is deep subconscious work. The only way to heal is to get into these deep states of meditation - in my experience.

Energetically when we shift from powerless to powerful, then we can flow with our true nature. But forgiveness is the key to heal.

It feels like power is the power of Self. Bringing your true self forward to walk in this world. Any other kind of power that has to do with overpowering someone else or Self, or that doesn’t come from a place of love, needs to be revisited and held in the deepest of love. When we walk with God on this journey of life, my belief is that you have to do it with love. Love is the answer to all.

Now we are only human and it takes 2 in a relationship but if you are coming from a place of love, then you have the right to choose whether that relationship is working for you or not. This is when the rubber hits the road people. Are we coming from a place of healed love or wounded powerlessness. Only deep healing work will shift this in yourself.

So if you are doing things that you feel you have no control, or they are happening without thought and it is perpetuating hurtful, hateful, angry, shameful, guilty feelings of emotions or negative emotions, there is an opportunity to heal. That is the opportunity to take a look at yourself and go deep, find a healer, or health care professional that can help you with this energy. In the world of energy, this is healable. But you need to be willing and open to it. For if you are not, then you will hold on to that pattern until you find another way of healing.

Set your intention to heal yourself and it shall be done and if you need help, find your discernment, ask your soul, and you will be lead to where you need the help. You just need to ask. Ask your guides. Ask God. Ask ask ask. Help is on the way.

Sending you the courage to heal your powerlessness and to ask for help. Sending you the love for yourself to find out the answers and heal through it. To seeing the fear and asking for bravery. Sending you the love to heal into wholeness and to become congruent.

With the loving embrace, I send you courage.

God Bless

Jackie Gutknecht




Our new Moon