
I know it’s a dry word.  It’s feels even over used, but I need to really drive this home.  In our society there is a lack of responsibility for our own actions.  We are not taught the consequences of our actions to the fullest extent that we need to understand and feel it.

From a spiritual perspective when we do not take responsibility for our actions we create karma.  And karma is no joke.  It can explain the ways in which we are tied up in this world.  As I have direct experience in this area, I understand the consequences of not being responsible for your actions.  Let me give you an example.  Someone does something to hurt your feelings.  They steal your boyfriend, the did something that really really hurts you.  So you say bad things about them, you wish they would hurt themselves, you intentionally curse them, you take your hurt feelings back out on the other person.  This comes back to haunt you.  There is no authority higher than God and he/she is judge and jury.  We are not capable or responsible for someone else’s actions.  This is spiritual law.  The law of justice and recompense is the job of our spiritual parent, God.  I know this to be true.

The best we can do in circumstances that are out of our control (and always have been) are the spiritual laws.  When we connect to the spiritual laws, then we can do our own work and keep out of other peoples.  Their responsibility is their own and all we can do is forgive forgive forgive.  Is it hard, yes but we all have our work to do.  Will we ever trust that person that has hurt you, with God all things are possible.  I would say, that when compassion, love and forgiveness are involved there is always hope.  But it takes two people being responsible for their own stuff and really understanding and feeling what each has been through and what we have done to that person.  And because something has happened, it will always be 2 people who will have to assume their load and responsibility for what happened.  It takes two people.  It is never one sided.  It is always what have you done of said that hurt or caused hurt to someone else and in turn how are they responsible for their actions.

I actually feel liberated by responsibility.  It actually feels like wow, I can finally admit I am human, I made a mistake, please forgive me, and then we can move on.  I mean, that is really simplified, but it releases the heavy energy chain to all relationships when you can heal when everyone is willing to be human.  Be vulnerable.  To really uncover the emotional toll that we are committing to one another.  This all starts with ourselves.  Be responsible for your actions.  Feeling into the word BE RESPONSIBLE, was uplifting, empowering, and it actually straightened me up.  Ha ha, get it, straightened me up.  It made me pray to God for resolution and healing in a situation that we would have never been able to do on our own because we both needed to be responsible for our parts and own what we did to bring about the karma.

So stop your karma making ways today and Be responsible for yourself.  Your words, your thoughts, your actions, your everything.  In your next lifetimes, you will thank yourself for it.  Speaking from experience.

Spiritual Medicine - Daily Dose


Good vs. Evil

