Good vs. Evil
Good vs. Evil - I was raised Roman Catholic. In my spiritual reawakening in 2013, I rejected the thought of evil. I didn't want to believe in the devil or that evil is at work. I only wanted to think about the light and serving the light and my commitment to my purpose for the light. And the more light I received the more that I could see, know, feel, sense, and understand the dark.
There is darkness in each and everyone one of us. When you shine the light on the dark, it's our job to let go, transmute, forgive, surrender or whatever is called for in the moment to be in our light. If you choose not to and you sit in the darkness of the energy, that is evil. You bring darkness to darkness when you continue to think, feel, hold onto, attach, ruminate, not forgive on situations or things that you perceived were done to you. Law of attraction - It works both ways.
The beauty of the light is that it allows us to be in joy, freedom, light, love, and kindness when we let go of those things that are either in us or we have attached to or are co-dependent on.
Evil is created by our thoughts, attachments, our perceptions, our unresolved emotions. What I have learned through God is that I really need to do my work so that I can be free and clear of those attachments, codependency, unresolved emotions, and thoughts that are keeping me from my light, my purpose, my healing.
There will always be light and dark, good and evil, that is the balance and the duality of our world. But in our pain, it is our choice to let go of the dark and transmute it with the light. In your prayer, ask for when, how, what, your prayers will be answered. Have faith.
Spiritual Medicine - Daily Dose