
I am working through a karma issue right now and it is a pattern that was set in motion many lifetimes ago. It was a karmic pattern of a decision that I made to hurt another person by breaking up a relationship. When I did that, however I did that, it caused this person to curse me. I believe they intentionally cursed me and they did it with another family member.

Fast forward to this lifetime - it has played out as a pattern of recurrence. What transpired in that lifetime of hurting someone, it actually made me a victim to playing out this pattern in this lifetime. It also made me a victim to a number of difference things in my life. Specifically the curses were to never have joy, not to know or feel my own power, to not speak my truth, and other victim consciousness behaviours.

As I write this, I was supported by the Ascended Masters and it was confirmed that what happens in this situation, the energy that comes in to recalibrate the unbalance of energies is that intensity. The intensity or energy is a rebalancing of what was done wrong those many lifetimes ago.

That decision that I made many lifetimes ago brought me to a place in this time and space where I wanted to not live. I experienced depression. I had difficulties with relationships. I couldn’t allow joy into my life, I was cursed to stop all the joy. And I held myself in a place of victimhood. It freezes me in a place of fear of not wanting to move forward to heal the situation and another pattern is to give up on myself as this was a fight that karmically I couldn’t win or rebalance, until now.

Mentally - In this situation I have felt an intense energy to ruminate and ruminate and until I get the words right, until I can speak my truth, and share my experience. In this state, we are trying to rebalance ourselves and our patterns. It isn’t that I have a mental disability, it is that my higher self is trying to tell me that I am out of balance and what I am ruminating about needs to happen so that I can regain my power or balance. Rebalance the wheels of karma.

Emotionally - I was frozen to do anything. I was stuffing my emotions with food because I felt powerless. I was unable to speak and I was fighting for my life to be heard. I prayed and prayed and prayed for the karma to rebalance. I think there could have been some ancestral patterning as well but that could have also been karmic.

It is debilitating because the emotional toll on just expressing myself has been suppressed for lifetimes. Now the energies want to rebalance. On the other side of this triangle of 3 people, there is resistance, denial, and control. This is also a karmic pattern that has been established many lifetimes ago also and it is playing out in the sacred triangle of 3. So when you are trying to heal the situation, it is inevitable that the energies are imbalanced until they become balanced. The truth is that you must go through the discomfort and healing to reach the place of balance.

In working with healers, they may have been frustrated with healing these aspects of my energetic body, but the karma explains why it was unmoveable. You need to work through those issues on a karmic level with those people that you had the karma with. You need Divine intervention. You need God’s light to shine on those dark places that may seem evil, controlling, victimy, or resistant. The only way those heal is in God’s white light. Forgive, allow, let go and rebalance.

This is why you can’t take anything personally. When you are going through a rebalancing, you can’t heal the other person so that you can avoid the enormity of the situation. You have to just allow it to happen. That is where grace comes in. Grace is rebalancing. Grace is God’s way of rebalancing that which is out of balance. This is God’s way of saying, this needs to rebalance. You also need to have willing parties or spirit forces you together to heal. All you can do is keep up the personal battle and ask for God’s grace to rebalance and clear up the karma.

If you look at our world, you will see that we are unbalanced in many many ways, just look at the environment for instance. It is very unbalanced. That is why balance in our lives is so important. What is in the inside is on the outside.

The reason that I decided to speak about karma is for this reason. It is very very very important about the decisions that we made every moment of every day. That decision I made those many lifetimes ago, set me up for what I am working through today and it ain’t pretty but it explains a lot. In the Universal laws of Karma, you can decide to believe them or not but let me ask you this. Do you have patterns of behaviour that you can’t explain? Are they keeping you from being your best self? Are the patterns keeping you from complete joy? It’s probably karma that is playing out and when we step into healing it, then we can rebalance and have a more joyful life. It probably won’t be comfortable, but it will be worth it. Just don’t take it personally. Let it all go. The Divine doesn’t judge, so why should we. And ask for Divine support, the unconditional loving beings of love and support have our backs and they are there to help us through our healing. You just need to believe in God, them and yourself.


The Life of an Empath


Good vs. Evil