ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder

As an adult person with ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder I feel like this is not an all encompassing description or label that describes what goes on in the mind of person. This is uncomfortable for me to admit, that I believe I have suffered from this for all my life, until now.

Firstly, I can tell you that I am definitely a thinker.  I have the visionary skills to see things from a bird’s eye view.  That means I have vision.  Like an Eagle.  It also means that I have a direct and clear channel to Source and Spirit.  That can make information that comes to me….overwhelming, if I don’t manage it.  This means it has been typically difficult to ground.  For most of my life and prior to my spiritual awakening, I have been what used to be termed as “flakey”.  Which means ungrounded and disconnected from my feelings.  But with the spiritual practice, it has afforded me wisdom and knowing of what I need to work on to stay grounded.

I just want to talk a bit about what my ADD looks and feels like.  When I sit down to do something, I can get paralyzed by over thinking of what to do next and then I don’t do it.  I become frozen.  I think they call this paralysis by analysis.  With the added distinction of being unfocused or easily distracted, it becomes even more challenging to start something.  My mind also can experience multiple thoughts quickly in succession and due to trauma would raise me energetically out of my body (hence the term ungrounded).  A distinction that is perceived as negative in the spiritual community.  I like to look at this compassionately as a place where we aren’t judged but where we can step into more peace and calmness within our lives and heal those parts of ourselves that need it.

Growing up in a household that had many children with different needs, you could tend to flow with everything outside of you instead of what your soul is guiding you to do inside of you.  That is why the spiritual awakening process was so important for me.  I didn’t know how to do it on my own and I was now aware that not all the thoughts were mine.  It also taught me a multitude of different reasons but these were just a few.

I also think that as a very open child with no boundaries, it was a function of survival instead of internal thriving.  When you are conditioned to meet the needs of others before yourself, you loose yourself.  You loose who you are.  You loose what you want.  You loose the connection to Self.  Now this is a head to toe issue but the work to set boundaries and to continue to connect to Self definitely assists with the racing mind and over thinking tendencies and calming the nervous system.  Which can lead to ADHD and overly active adrenals which as you know leads to burnout and adrenal fatigue.  Now, labeling is all too common in today’s day and age and I think that the family system can also be a place of an undiagnosed ancestral patterning that may present itself to heal.    We develop those things from in vitro all the way to adult programming.  I have also experienced that past lives can lend themselves to things that we may be feeling or thinking in this lifetime.  This is when regression can assist in your overall healing.

So managing the ADD looks like, limiting things that distract or add to being unfocused.  Like social media, television and overstimulating things like loud music or frenzied activity.  This lends itself to the Autism or ADHD discussion for another time and blog.  But for the mind, we want to be the masters of it.  And how do we do that?  We learn to calm the mind.  We learn to love the mind.  We redirect the mind to more calming influences and thoughts.  We train and heal the mind to trust and give it another job but most of all we balance ourselves.

That is why I developed the Earth School.  There is no more stronger way to calm the mind and nervous system, than connection with nature, animals, plants, and minerals.  The elements of our lives provide us the balance that we require to calm or heal the “ADD” symptoms and bring us back down to earth.  I believe that ADD and ADHD are on the rise because we have lost that important connection to the healing energies of the Earth.  Our connection to our food.  Our connection to co-creating with our animals friends.  Getting our feet dirty and regrounding.  Feeling our way through what is right for ourselves.  Connecting to the wisdom of trees.  All these wonderful magical ways that we did as children and as our ancestors did before us, even as hunter/gatherers. 

So as one inner child, explorer and investigator to another, I invite you to join me in mastering your mind by reconnecting with the wonder of nature and Mother Earth.  For more information see the programs page on or e-mail me for more information.

With the deepest of grace and gratitude.




