
I was working on my vision board this morning and I noticed that I was having “anxiety” around my purpose for the new year.  It was very intentional but soft in how I was bringing a renewed sense of structure and goal setting that I used to do in the past but now I was combining emotions and my soul into the process.  Which made it new and scary for me.

I was sitting with the scared part of myself and went up to get some food to stuff it down.  A typical food response in how I used to deal with those emotions.  The “anxiety” that I was feeling was actually a vibratory warning from deep within my root and sacral chakras that were like a….beep beep beep.  Like back up and talk to me.  I inquired into this warning system or anxiety and it was my body’s wisdom saying, don’t eat that yet.

So I went into a gentle meditation of yoga and felt into what emotions I was holding onto and how was I to “move” through it.  I was moving through it physically and emotionally.  First by moving and allowing the fear and tears to release.  By noticing the judgment of my mind trying to overpower my emotions.  To having a discussion with my mind to let go of the judgment.  My inner child then stood up in defiance and she put on her little Super Hero outfit and said, yes I am here to stay and this is how I feel….deal with it.  The mind receded in and I gave it another job to do.  This is how we get to know the whole of ourselves.  All those parts of us.  In that softness within myself, my inner child felt safe enough to express her feelings, to let go and to hold on and to accept comfort and support after moving through her discomfort.  It’s a work in progress but she is coming along nicely.

Anxiety is a considered a bad word in the context of emotions but when we lump all those feelings of negativity or anxiety, one of those “anxiety” warnings is us just not listening to ourselves, our bodies, our own inner child or some external vibration.  This is our own inherent and God given right to feel this.  It’s a gift.  The vibration or “anxiety” is sometimes a warning system to stop us from doing something and tuning in to what our emotional state wants, what our body wants, what our mind wants and what our spirit wants or needs.  It is a place of balance.  And if we have been attending to things outside of ourselves instead of tending to the things inside of ourselves, then we tend to have unanswered anxiety that will surely vibrate us out of center or away from ourselves or leading to unbalance.  Which all leads to dis-ease within the body.  That is why we are so able to heal.  I believe that our bodies are surely created so that we can heal.  They are created so that our souls are housed in these beautiful, flowing, moving parts of our body.  And that body has the potential to hold onto or let go of energies that depending on our thoughts, emotions and experiences and how we have either moved through them or not.

“Anxiety” or warning vibrations are actually inner wisdom asking us to slow down and take a look at what we need to look at.  It’s a gift of inner guidance.  It’s an opportunity to heal.  It’s growth.  It’s alignment.  It’s an opportunity to look at our judgment around what anxiety is and turn inwards to our wisdom…WHICH WE ALL HAVE…and answer what is needed.  If you don’t get it right, so what.  Do it next time.  We are human.  Learning comes but sometimes not the first time.  Cut yourself some slack and allow yourself to make mistakes and thank yourself for the mistakes because those mistakes show you what way to course correct and take a different path.  Mistakes show us when we are vibrationally out of alignment and are they really mistakes???….not really.

This is how we flow within ourselves.  So for the New Year of 2023, I wish you the inner wisdom of your body, emotions, mind and Soul to guide you to wholeness and balance.  And if you need a little help in how to connect with yourself, please let me know, I am happy to be of service.

With the magic of new beginnings, I pray that your new year brings you deeper awareness of yourself and your inner world and the power that your inner light can bring to your physical time here on earth.  

Wishing you magic that is already within you,





ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder