
Today I was in deep meditation after a bought of uncontrolled pizza eating yesterday.  I had a craving but it came as a lack of self-control.  It was an energy that I was learning from.  It was a deep teaching on control and the patriarchy.

Yesterday I had the thought that I was craving pizza.  I don’t get this often but it was three days of this feeling and I decided to indulge in it.  What’s the saying…what you resist persists????  Well, I had been looking at what my mind was wanting and how it was affecting my body and emotions.  Trying to see it from the whole picture.  But what was happening was an overly controlling mind energy that was not in alignment with the rest of my being.  It was something that was coming up for healing.

Today after my deep meditation I realized that this was a controlling patriarchal energy of fear that was presenting itself for my learning and healing.  Throughout my day yesterday I was asking "What is a healthy masculine energy?"  And to my great surprise I was yet again guided to security (and my husband).  Let me explain.

Today’s world, our societies and government structures are operating from a wounded patriarchal place (or masculine).  Now this isn’t always male oriented as we have this energy within us all male and female but it is the wounded masculine within us all that we are operating from.  Now, where does this come from?  In my experience it comes from lack of love and security.

When we are in vitro and throughout our lives (and past lives), we are carrying energies that we learned through our experiences and absorbed from our parents and ancestral lines.  Now if you have a father that has a father that has a father that was in a war, for instance, then their sense of security would have been altered or wounded.  This would have caused an alteration of love to fear.  From security to control.  It may have been in response to survival instinct.  And if we have never healed this insecurity, it will continue to manifest in control and insecurity.

How does this present?  It can look like an overpowering of emotions or a suppression of emotions.  Or a controlling of your spiritual journey and what and how you should or shouldn’t do, or who you should pray to.  It can look like an overpowering of your mind beliefs and concepts and an overpowering of other’s minds and their beliefs.  Or it can be physical overpowering or non-permission of touching.  The ways in which this presents can be quite a large topic and it will be different for each person.  But what we want to do is heal the insecurity and fear of that lack of security within and outside of us.

Energetically in the body it can feel like there is some tugging on the right side of the body and a feeling of vibratory energy that isn’t healed or settled.  When we heal with the power of Source/God/Universal Love/Creator (whoever or whatever your spiritual practice), then we feel secure within ourselves.  We can feel more like our authentic selves.  We heal the fear of the patriarchy and the masculine energies that we have within ourselves.  Once we do that then we can help outside of ourselves, our societies, communities and governments to heal that within themselves.  But the work is on the inside and it’s a feeling.  It is a feeling of wholeness, of calming and of security.

Back to my husband, I used to joke with him that he was Mr. Security.  He was always putting up camera’s around our property.  I joked that he had bars on the windows and if we ever had a house fire, that we would be trapped in our house.  But honestly, my feeling was I had never experienced security and as he continued with his healthy masculine duties by providing safety, security and protection for his family, I experienced the loving safety for years of his actions and to the unfoldment of my own insecurity within myself.  That physical security that I have with my husband didn’t just stop there, he provided and continues to provide a safe place of security for me to be emotional, to have my own thoughts and to worship my spirituality in my own way.  Those acts of respect, boundaries, love, security are all ways in which our differences are able to be together.  That is the healthiest way that I can describe what it feels like to be secure.  God brought me to him for my growth and spiritual evolution and for that I am so grateful.

With the deepest of gratitude and worship, I thank God for my husband and for my security in learning, growth and safety within myself.  I thank my husband for his unwavering healthy masculine and security within all parts of our lives.  I love you both so dearly.  God Bless.

I pray this reaches those that are looking for the security within their systems and I pray that these words will help you in your healing.

With much love, 



Energy, Angels and Spirituality

