Energy, Angels and Spirituality

Whether you realize it or not, you are already connected to Source.  If you can feel energy you can access those places you never thought before.  If you can’t hear spirit or God or Source, then don’t worry, you can feel it.  There will be a time that you can hear Source, it will just take time to unwind your thinking, your conditioning, your ancestral or past life patterns and behaviours.  Just think and instill this new belief to yourself, “I feel it so I am connected”.  You don’t have to believe in God, Creator, or Universal Love, all you need to start is to be connected to energy.  All the other stuff will come when and if you choose it to be.  Just trust yourself.  And if you can’t trust yourself yet, set up an affirmation on the fridge, mirror, wall or journal showing you as a reminder that you are already connected.  Your work will be to let go of any beliefs you have such as “you can’t” or that “no one is there”.  Notice your mind making decisions for you that maybe you don’t want.  Be neutral and detached.  If you don’t know what that is….so what….feel into it.  Explore it and uncover your truth.

We don’t have to be limited in our support and nurturing within our lives.  If we don’t have physical bodies of people that aren’t supporting us, then connect with the energy until you find that one spirit guide, angel, fairy, animal, plant, mineral, mountain, tree, Ascended Master, or highest of high energies that will support you in your growth.  The answer is to ask for it.  Keep praying to anyone that will listen, that you want an Angel, spirit guide or support system that will help you in your life journey on this earth.  If you don’t get the answer, don’t worry, it will come.  It will come when you least expect it and believe that it will come.  You are deserving.  You are loved and you are already being helped, you just have to realize that you are and to clear out any noise that tells you otherwise.  

When we move the energy that has been stuck in us from depressed emotions, mental thought patterns, spiritual stagnation, or physical heaviness, we open up to nurturing ourselves.  We open up to support from beyond.  We open up to the guidance back to ourselves.  Because, in life, what more can we ask for?  Peace?  Prosperity? Connection?  Belonging?  It’s all there for the taking, we just have to work through it.  It doesn’t have to be anything big to start out, we just need a sliver of something to hold on to and let Source, God, Universe do the rest.  Just ask and keep asking until you can move the energy enough that you get the answer you are waiting for.

So have faith in the universe, have faith in yourself.  And believe that these chance meetings, these feathers that are dropped in your path, or the nickel that makes you look twice, or the animal that comes into your awareness are all signs that the Universe is working for you, you just didn’t acknowledge it. Or you need to clear something that is not allowing you to just BE in this life.  And if you can’t have faith, ask for that too.  Why stop there!  Ask for a spiritual awakening.  Ask for spirit or angel support.  Ask for guidance.  Cultivate that connection to Source that will help you through these tough energies in life so that you can support yourself and then support others.  Whoever they may be.  Because life on the unbalanced side without spirituality or a awareness of your soul, is a tough slog.  I know because I have been there.  Take advantage of the energies that are available to us now and ask for what you want.  And if you don’t know what you want, then get quiet and listen to your voice in your head and feel into whatever it says.  Does it make sense?  Does it feel right?  Do I want to work harder or do I want support so I don’t have to work so hard.  It’s like pushing that rope up a hill.  Hard work!  Let’s work smarter.  Let’s “Let Go and Let God”.  Put down the rope.  It will only wear you out.

The thing that we don’t realize is that we are creators and that we are more powerful than we think.  The thing is, we need support.  Life as a human can be heavy, full of burden and traumatized.  But if we learn to work on the inside instead of the outside with that spiritual support, then our outer work is much easier.  But we must be in a state of learning and making those “mistakes” that teach us.  So that we can grow, evolve, feel joyful, playful and have a much more balanced human existence.  Who wants to end this life in pain and regret and remorse.  Let’s celebrate while we are here and enjoy the journey at least as much as the tough stuff.  Because we can’t always be in the light.  We need both for growth. 

My prayer is that everyone has a spiritual awakening and learns balance.  That is a big big prayer but I am going to ask for it anyways.  What would it look like in this world and in life if we were totally balanced all operating from our own gifts and purpose and healthy in our relationships with Self and others?  I think I will dream big and wish for heart openings throughout the world.  I can dream can’t I?  Yes, and so can you….starting with yourself.  Get yourself stable and then become “Of Service”.  Back to the analogy, put on your air mask before anyone else.  Because you can’t help or serve others if you can’t breathe.

Wishing you the awakening to your spirit that guides you in your life with the greatest of ease and grace.  And thank you to the Angels that co-created this with me today.  God Bless



Determination vs. Giving Up

