Determination vs. Giving Up

Today I was cleaning and I was contemplating giving up. I kept hearing I just want to give up. Give it up. But recently I was introduced to the opposite concept….determination.

When I was I young girl I was a downhill skier. I was a pretty good skier and I had to be because I was trying to keep up with the boys because I didn’t have any girl skiers to ski with at the time. I was fearless and powerful. I tackled those mountains, hills, valley and forests with the vigor of a young person. But in retrospect, I was by-passing my fear by unacknowledgement and driving through it like my life depended on it. And at times, it did because I was reckless and adventure seeking past the edge of the envelope.

Recently, by my guides and by Source, I was shown the healthy way of moving through things that I want to get done and that is by determination. It is different then overpowering the emotions to physically do something. It is more consistent, steady, energy of moving through what you need to move through without reckless abandon and by-passing emotion.

For me I would describe this as the healthy masculine parts of ourselves that learn how to be committed to something with determination and consistency. To see the fear or the “giving up” as fear based. If I am sitting here writing about determination and I am fearful and I want to give up, it’s the mind, just trying to protect myself. It’s doing a job but how do we move through it? We watch it with neutrality and detachment.

For me I could notice the connection of mind and body and how when I said I want to give up, I lost energy in my cleaning. When I changed my thoughts to determination, I was more energized. It is subtle but it’s what keeps you off the couch and into action. The mind is very powerful in what words we choose to think and what thoughts we allow to take hold.

Now moving our minds out of groves of ancestral and generational patterning takes time and it takes consistency and determination. There was a time that I would berate my mind for thinking these thoughts but I learned and am still learning that love and compassion are the best thing to do for ourselves. With ADD as a “labeled” condition, to me it’s really managing overall health, it can be difficult and frustrating if all your thoughts are “negative” or lower vibrationally. But that is just part of the process in learning what is best for our overall balanced health and how do we manage those thoughts.

What I do know is that during really difficult times that is when the change occurs. When you are present and work through it. It’s a place where you can really see the situation and work through it with new beliefs, new thoughts and awarenesses that you never realized before. The trick is to be aware. Now I am not always aware. But that’s okay. That’s the work. It takes practice, mistakes, learning, more practice and determination.

For me the mind body connection is important in how the mind operates. In my experience as a sensitive individual with a very sensitive body, it is really critical that the body is cared for with good food, rest, and exercise. When we do this then we have the ability to calm the mind. But what if the mind is in the old familiar tape that it doesn’t allow you to move? That is when you need tools to move through those grooves of thought. Awareness is key. That is a form of determination. Have the determination to move forward, watch your thoughts, get more movement out of your body and if you need support from spirit, get that. Because it shouldn’t be fearful to move at all, it’s just energy that needs to be cleared and there could be a number of explanations for that. What I am explaining is moving through e-motions with awareness and with kind encouragement to yourself.

I always strive for balance and I’ll explain why. I was always unbalanced before my spiritual awakening, but now that I am more aware, I have more resources to move through those difficult times. I have a support system. I have a village. But as you strengthen in your spiritual practice, you gain spiritual backbone. You get gumption. You learn to say NO, you learn to say YES to what your heart really desires. But most of all you become more of your authentic self. You just need to keep stepping into it with determination, consistency and commitment TO YOURSELF. Because no one will do it for you and if you want to give up…determine when that is and if you have pushed through your comfort enough to give up. Because that is stretching yourself and growing in your self esteem, proudness of self and not giving up on yourself so easily. And remember, this may be a learned program that just needs to unravel. A coping mechanism, a security or safety issue. Whatever, the reason, be gentle with yourself and don’t do it to be mad at yourself, do it in an encouraging, loving and compassionate way. Because you deserve you…..and the love that you are.

Today I worked on - I can do it, I know how, I am capable, the fear isn’t real and it is safe for me to stand in who I am and what I am meant to do. It’s okay to sabotage because when you notice you are doing it, then you can make a better choice next time. It’s all a process. Today my inner child was like….I’m done. Let’s do it another time and I’m like, gotchya. I am with you.

Here is praying that you work within yourself to take steps forward and see that it isn’t always going to go as planned but spirit and your soul will get you there.





Energy, Angels and Spirituality