
When we are breaking down our patriarchal structures, we are letting go of old dynamics, old systems, old ways of being, most of all we are letting go of control which is a fear based system.  But as we break down these structures, how do we build them back up?  Or what are we building and what does a structure look like?

Structure can mean many things.  We have structured thoughts.  We have structure in our boundaries.  We have structure in our energy systems.  We may have structure in how we usually deal with our emotions.  There are many structures and we can be overly structured and under structured.  Structure is a healthy masculine quality that we definitely need that is well served when balanced with the feminine quality of flow.

When a person has ADD there is a limited amount of structure in the thought system.  When there is confusion, or scattered thoughts, or an unfocused mind, these are a lack of structure.  This is a flowing of sometimes random thoughts, thoughts that might not be yours that you picked up from somewhere, or old thoughts just swirling around.  They could also be part of unrealized psychic abilities that we all have.

I feel like this is something that needs to be felt into each time we visit one of our structures.  For instance…say we want to put in a structure of a boundary but it is such a strong boundary that it is in relation to something that has made us very fearful or angry?  Does that feel like it is actually armour or is it a healthy sacred boundary?  The discernment is the key.  Maybe we need to do a little work before we set that boundary.  Maybe there is a latent belief or experience that is triggering that needs healing or clearing.

It’s subtle and we may not get it right the first time, but we can always alter it.  There is nothing that has to be set in stone, we can revise our structures as we need to.  But I would like to say that a safe place is to start with a balance of structure.  We don’t want to be so overly structured that we can’t flow within a structured system.  If we are talking about the feminine and masculine sides of ourselves, which we have no matter what gender or identification we use, this is about how we are balanced between the two sides of ourselves, for instance our brains.  Are we overly left brained because of trauma and we have underdeveloped right side of our brain?  This is a sign of trauma, ADD or an undeveloped attachment/attunement to our parents.  

Structure is also closely related to form.  Think about our bodies.  They are structured with the skeletal system and the form that holds it all in is our skin, hair, muscle, and fascia.  But that is just our bodies.  What other ways do we see as form?  This is another healthy masculine trait.  What is form to you?  What does form look like?  Thoughts can be form in the seeing of pictures, which is what we call clairvoyance.

The spiritual medicine in this is, we can trust ourselves and our soul to guide us to our wholeness and balanced structures and healing when we work through our structures.  We can’t function properly in this world if we aren’t structured.  I know this because I have tried.  It’s frustrating.  But if we want healthy relationships with ourselves and others, it is important that we have structure.  We can’t be in flow all the time, but we can set a structure that is right for ourselves through the wisdom of ourselves and our soul.  We just need to feel into it and give ourselves as much compassion and time as possible when doing this because we are learning something new.  We are like little kids now learning responsibility of what structure is.  It isn’t an overpowering, righteous, fearful thing.  It is a loving compassionate and structured way of being responsible and respectful of yourself and others….if we are talking about boundaries.  So don’t beat yourself up where you are at, at the moment, if it’s messy.  Don’t worry, trust yourself and your soul to find the new path, the new way of being, the new healthy adult responsibility, the new place of centre and being balanced.  This is just the process.  You are healing.

I bow to the structure and learning of structure within.  Happy exploring.




Letting Go


Determination vs. Giving Up