
I want to discuss the importance of anger.  We as humans are given emotions. It is our God given right to have emotions.  And emotions like anything else can be productive or destructive.As women, we are suppressed in our emotions (generally speaking of course), potentially, by the masculine.  Masculine in society, in government, in religion, in classrooms, in the medical system, in the financial system, in the legal system, in all systems within the world.  We are all suffering from the fear of the masculine.  That is where control comes from.  Whether it is inside us or outside of us.  The masculine is operating from a place of fear.  It is not balanced.  We can trace it back Adam and Eve, or the Big Bang when we were given free will, whatever your belief, there was a break in the balance.But emotions, especially anger, are the rocket fuel for change.  If all women or the feminine within us did not rise up against the atrocities of this world, how would we even begin to move forward in equality.  Think about women’s suffrage movement.  It wasn’t until women got angry that things changed.  Look at what’s happening in the United States right now with the potential overturning of Roe V. Wade.  The women need to get angry to affect the change.  Not only women, look at race, LGBTQ rights.  They or we all deserve a good dose of anger.  Whether we understand or not, it is our responsibility to open up the conversation to our ignorance and understand.  Also when we work through our suppressed anger, it no longer becomes cancer.  It is released from the body.  We are not suppose to sit on that anger.  We are meant to express it, to show it, to work through it, to understanding it, to embrace it.  It is part of us.  It lives in the solar plexus chakra of the sun or the fire element.  The Sun is hot, it is angry, it is power, it is movement, it is change, it is will.We are, each and everyone of of us, is meant to step into our power and our power with God.  We are meant to create a world in which we want to live in.  We are meant to understand and work through our anger not on each other unless it is appropriate.  If you have an inner wound, you don’t spill it out on someone else, but if there is a situation in which it offends you on the outer world then you address it.  You get involved, you get passionate, you get real, you get to be yourself.My purpose for writing this was to express to women the importance of your anger.  You are meant to own it.  You are not meant to cover it with kindness.  You are meant to step into your power and operate it within all of your being including your heart, but you don’t have to dampen it for the sake of how someone else will respond.  That is their stuff, not yours.  But it is a power that you should discern.  Because why should you hold back any anger.  Do you hold back love?  Do you hold back kindness?  How do we find a happy medium?  We work through our suppressed crap that is stuck in our system, so that we can be clear and authentic and real about our anger.  Because we are entitled to it.

Think about where our power center is in the stomach, what we digest and move through our systems is the digestive tract.  If we are having problems anywhere in the lower body, it is around forgiveness, letting go, expressing anger, sadness and moving that energy through.

This morning I was working through a masculine control in my system that went straight to my solar plexus.  It is time to feel that anger of being controlled, sitting in the state of victimization, mourn it and move on.  We don’t need to be controlled any longer no matter what kind of traumas we have survived.  I am here to tell you that the more that you tap into your anger, your solar plexus, your sun, your dragon, your power, the more that you can become the real change you want to be.  The more that you can live your life from true authenticity, holding boundaries, when to enforce them and when to run and cut bait.  It is all in our power how we want to live but you can’t do it without anger, because that jet fuel is necessary to change within yourself and to change the world around you.

I pray that you find the anger within you and allow the suppression to surface and it may not be pretty but who cares, being human isn’t always tidy and wrapped in a nice bow.  It is messy and confusing and emotional so let it rip.  Own your stuff.  You have it anyway so avoiding it won’t help.

May you be blessed with the anger that it takes for you to change.




The Wounded Feminine

