The Wounded Feminine

I was in meditation today and it was brought to my attention that we, as a society, are in desperate need of the healing within the wounded feminine.  From the female perspective, we have been suppressed by the masculine control and in order for us to come out of this with healthy relationship, we need to look inwards to heal those parts of ourselves that keep us separate.  And we can only do that in meditation and in connection with God/Source/Universal Love/Creator, whatever name you use.

The wounded masculine has wreaked havoc on the inter generational lines and the wounded feminine.  From mother to daughter, from daughter to daughter and down through the ages we carry the wounds of our parents, grand parents and up the line.  Energetically we carry those wounds down the line to our offspring and to our siblings.

My goal is to work with those children and parents to heal those traumas and relationships, untangle the enmeshment, and that are in need of actual spiritual protection or connection from the trauma this is carried down the ancestral lines so that we may preserve our relationships with boundaries and authenticity.

This is work.  This is, in my view, the most important thing you can do for the health of yourself, your family and society.  We need to dig deep within ourselves and heal those parts of ourself that are wreaking havoc on our generations.

My feelings are that our mothers are meant to raise us of course, but there is a part in which there is a spiritual guidance that we are meant to help our children grow and understand within themselves.  To connect to their light.  To connect to their own power and authenticity within themselves, just as we were meant to do for ourselves that maybe our mothers didn’t show us and so on.  We are meant to help children live in this world with tools that will help them when they are traumatized, help them to feel their emotions and not store them as cancer, to speak their truths, to be able to question everything, believe what they want, have a mind of their own, to explore their inner wisdom and be guided by their heart centre.  The centre of compassion, love and kindness.  

We are meant to untangle the enmeshment of control (wounded masculine), boundary crossing and over responsibility that we take out on our children.  We do this by looking at our own stuff….always in all ways.  If there is something that is coming up in your relationships and it is uncomfortable, it is up to us to turn inwards and visit what that is.  And heal it within ourselves so that we can preserve the authenticity of our children and allow them their own experiences in this world.  To stop the flow of wounding down the ancestral line.

With the way that our world is with it’s heightened energies, we are going to be breaking our relationships with our family unit unless we look at what is not yet healed within ourselves.  What I am learning is that we all have wisdom and no one is greater than another.  We are all created in God’s eyes equally.  That means all relationships (child to parent, dog to owner, teacher to student, etc.).  So if we are putting ourselves in a position of authority over someone else, then we are fulfilling the ego or wounded masculine and we aren’t healing the wounded masculine and we are further harming the wounded feminine.  This is the beat down.  The broken places within ourselves that tell us we don’t belong, we are not safe, we are over responsible, we are over protective, we can’t trust ourselves, we are wrong, we are insecure.  Another level, we can’t trust someone else’s intuition, we can’t accept their truth, we can’t listen to them, we can’t understand them, we are in our own belief system.  There is no respect, no love, no compassion, no forgiveness, no thought, no emotional containment, no responsibility, no delineation, no sovereignty, no boundaries, no integrity, no peace.  All this leads to is chaos, hurt, betrayal, abandonment, and trauma.   This is deep deep work and it is a place where the real change occurs.

The problem is our ego.  We really need to help our ego to understand that it is safe, or we need to be mindful of our thoughts, or we need prayer to change our minds to more collaboration, more kind thoughts, more equality, more listening, more hearing, more positivity.  Now I am not saying I am perfect by any means, but that is the way of being human.  We take a step, we struggle, we trip, we fall, we get back up, we try again.  It’s a cycle of learning.  A cycle of newly programming ourselves, to what we want to be.  And we can’t do this without the help of our spiritual teams and most importantly Source.

So speaking from experience of the wounded feminine ancestral line, I made a conscious decision to end the madness and not have children because I wanted to stop the pattern.  I want to heal to become more happy, more fulfilled, more peaceful, more connected, more loved, more joyful, more balanced, just more.  I can’t comment on other people’s spiritual journeys but I know that if people cross my boundaries and are unable to hold their own boundaries and have healthy relationships, then this flies in the face of what I am trying to achieve.  I will not live in someone else’s trauma and wounding.  I am working through mine and want people in my life that are working through theirs.  If they don’t then, I am not interested in being a wall for you to throw your suppressed emotions at.  Clean up your own backyard and then maybe, just maybe, we can be in relationship.  Relationship can be messy but if you are with people that understand forgiveness, intention and are willing to look at their own stuff, and are working on their boundaries, and can be safely vulnerable within themselves, then you have a basis in which to work from.  You can bounce back from dips in the road with others when you own your own stuff and they own their own stuff.  When you operate from integrity of self, the confidence that comes from being and owning the total human that you are, helps you get through those bumps and makes life a lot more enjoyable.

It’s a balance between all those things that are dark and all those things that are light.  We can’t be totally light or totally dark, we should always achieve balance so that when things hit the fan, we can be resilient.  And in those times of peace we can enjoy that too.

I pray that you have the courage to heal the wounded feminine within you so that we can heal each other, our children and the people around us.  It is with great pleasure that I share with you my intentions in my work of service and I encourage you to connect with me if you are looking for the same thing within your relationships.  Healing.

Many blessings to you in your journey as a human on this planet in this very moment.




Resistance Fighter

