Botryoidal Aragonite Calcite Cave Mineral

This stone came into my life a couple of years ago and today as I was contemplating the Mother’s Day, it made it’s presence known to me.

I sat with this stone and asked it what it’s properties and spiritual meaning was and I got this:

1.  The stone helps with forgiveness and to see a different way to look at things.  It changes the mind and allows freedom of negative emotions.  Like water on rock, it smooths the hard edges over time.

2.  It breaks up emotional hardening patterns in the bloodstream as water flushes it out.

3.  Helps with trust and remembrance of past lives or timelines of happier times, reaching for the joy and calming the mind.  It connects to the mind, heart and the words so that you may come from the heart.

4.  It heals the Mother wound.  It is the Mother’s stone.  Mothers milk and ancestral healing.  It travels into timelines so that you can remember the joy instead of dwelling in the sorrow.

5.  Meditation - Allow the crystal to be in the sacral chakra as a cave stone, and allow the water that looks like Mother’s milk to flow over the stone and smooth the edges of the rock like the emotions of your inner child.  Let the milk wash away the hurt, anger and resentment to be softened with the Divine Mother’s milk.  Allow it to flow and allow it to heal.

6.  The Mind - It brings calmness to the mind and brings understanding and awareness.  The stone is hard and it is formed this way but water does smooth it out as it is a powerful element.

7.  Promotes alignment of the chakras to connect to with the Divine Mother above and Earth Mother below.  She is a nurturing sage.  It also helps with energetic boundaries and gets you out of your head and into your heart.

If you have had a difficult Mother’s Day, this stone will help you to soften your day.  Take time out to heal the Mother wound within you.

Many blessings and with love to you on this day of the Mother.


The Mind


The Life of an Empath