It’s an Impersonal World
But why do we take it so personally? Why do we take every comment, every feeling or every emotion personally?
I was contemplating the nature of the Narcissist within yourself, as a narcissist it is a tendency to think everything is about you. I would say that narcissism is a wounding. Especially perhaps childhood wounding. If there has been deep trauma, it is when a child thinks that everything is either their fault or they caused something to happen. It is just a child’s way of thinking. It doesn’t mean it is right but I think we take that on into adulthood unless we are aware and are able to heal that part of ourselves.
So how do we energetically not take thinks so personally? As an Empath, when we have childhood wounds, we can take on other people’s emotions, however, when we are on the healing path, we are able to heal, set boundaries and not take things so personally so that we are not taking “In our person” another person’s stuff. Energetically speaking we need to see what our relationship is to other people’s stuff. When we work on our own triggers, then we can see that this trigger came up for healing. To recognize the trigger again and again until it isn’t there.
The gift of not taking things personally comes when you have done your work and you are able to be neutral and detached and when someone says something, you are in your power and aren’t taking on any hurts or woundings from other people.
I think victim consciousness lends itself to taking things personally. It keeps you in a place of not being centred. You are always coming from the wounded feminine in this consciousness and you will always take things personally unless you understand that other people’s stuff isn’t yours. You just happen to witness it. The key is to witness it, with your awareness and observance with no attachment. How do we get there? That is part of the spiritual path and journey. To work on your boundaries, and strengthen your inner world with confidence, and self esteem. It’s a part of working through challenges and seeing that you have the gumption to actually get through a problem.
In all vulnerability, depression is a sign that we have given up on ourselves and do not have the gumption to move forward, to step into our lives, to value ourselves and to move through our challenges consciously. It is a state of not knowing how to problem solve, make a decision, discern, and weigh all the options. It is a lack of tools and resilience - which coincidentally is a wounded masculine stance.
Through our spiritual practice we have the ability to work through our issues and each time we take on a problem, we have the opportunity for growth and building our self confidence. We gain gumption, we gain self esteem, and we learn how to value ourselves and give ourselves a pat on the back. If we haven’t been given these simple yet really important life skills, then we are at a loss, we aren’t effective and we have wounded individuals that take their wounding out on others. I would say that this is when things get impersonal. Until we have the knowledge and ability to do our inner work, we will continue to walk in this world wounded. And is that any way to be? Now that I am middle age, I would say that it has become very very important to me to understand that living my life to the best of my human ability is the #1 most important thing to me. What else could there be? If we don’t love ourselves or learn to love ourselves through our wounding then we are just spreading bad karma all over the place and it will take a whole lifetime or more to clear that all up.
So my advice, if you want it, is to clear up your wounding and create good karma for your life and your lifetimes ahead of you. Nothing is more important than your soul’s growth and loving kindness. Feel into it. Let me know if you think this is true or not? For me, I would really prefer to love myself through this human experience rather than take things personally and continue to walk through a wounded depressed and victim life. From a karmic standpoint, let me tell you that there is no where to go but up from that low level energy and no one can dig us out of that hole but ourselves. With some help from other likeminded individuals keep on your spiritual path and ask for lots of guidance and assistance. You are never left alone, you are unconditionally loved and you have as much spiritual support as you need. Just ask. Don’t let the victim in you tell you otherwise.
Praying for your life to be more impersonal.