Psychic Power

When we are in our spiritual practice and we are striving for balance, there is a place or places within the body that indicate that we are out of balance and one of those is in our minds.

In my experience if we are overly psychic, we are mind manipulating others instead of setting boundaries around our gifts.  At no time should anyone be overridden of their free will, choice and thoughts.

I have come across psychic’s that have tried overriding my thoughts to do things that are totally out of character for me in the name of God.  This is absolutely unacceptable behaviour.  But I know that when these gifts emerge there is a learning curve to tighten boundaries and learn what is right and wrong for you.  You must feel into each and every interaction so as not to incur the karma of lifetimes of psychic abuse on others.  If you are charging your ego and it is giving you a false sense of confidence, or you are feeling superior to others, then it isn’t being used for the highest good.

My experience around this is a root chakra issue and typically there has been trauma and unsafety in their experiences, be it this lifetime or past lifetimes and they use their abilities to keep them safe.  This is usually at the expense of someone else’s free will and choice.

I believe to be in healthy relationship, there are deep deep boundaries, rules of integrity and respect that must be adhered to in order for there to be trust in relationship.  But if the psychic doesn’t have trust within themselves, it is impossible for them be in a free flowing relationship of trust and respect with others.  Trust which is another root chakra issue.

The ailment or energy that is probably inherent in the root chakra from these trauma’s will be apparent in the energy body and can be cleared if there is to be healing and balance throughout the system.

If you think about psychic gifts, they are coming from the mind.  This is the same place of manipulation and control that has this world in the predicaments they are in now.  As spiritual beings having a human experience and if we are in service to God, then we are obligated to serve in the order of love.  Deep love.  And if we aren’t in love, then we aren’t ready for service.  That means we have to work on the heart.  We have to nurture our compassion, our kindness, our love, our empathy and we have to do it within ourselves first, with God and then with others.  But that also means that we have to work on our lower chakras.  Those places of trauma, ancestral lineage healing of patterns and behaviours, past life trauma and whatever else that may or may not be your own.  This is the work that we are here to do.

Now if we have blindspots, then we may need help and assistance and that’s okay.  That is another way of connection and building trust and relationship but it needs to be in a safe container.  A safe and secure place where the work have been done and is committed to allowing you your own process, your own experience, no matter how it looks.  Without judgment and with neutrality and detachment.

In the “energy” world, this is overriding someone else’s energy system.  This is a boundary that should never be crossed unless given express permission.  This is a hard line.  This is the integrity and respect part…..that should be held with strong strong boundaries.

It isn’t up to someone else to tell you whether you should do this or do that, this is a place of free will and choice.  It isn’t a place of overriding and control.  Time for that is long gone.  The time is for unity and love and respect for everyone, not matter where they are in their process.

This is with the greatest amount of love that this finds you working to bring those lower 3 chakra’s into balance with your upper chakra’s to be in more balance with yourself and with others.

Blessings to you,




