Sexual Abuse

When we are healing sexual abuse or trauma there can be many energy connections that are present within the body.

As I tap into the male collective unconscious of sexual assault the prevalent deep energy is of shame and guilt. This heavy dark energy is held by male perpetrators that have been energetically exposed and absorbed the sexual abuse energy from their own perpetrators. It is a dark energy that resides in the sacral chakra and is a breaking down of healthy sexual interactions. Now whether you are male or female or identify as someone else, we all have a sacral chakra. And if you have experienced sexual abuse and are empathic, you will have a great sense of emotion underlying, or under the table feeling of these energies.

When we are doing healing work, the wisdom of the body can show us where we need to heal. But we must be willing to face the lower and dark emotional energies of shame and guilt and bring them into the light for transmutation. If we don’t do that, then we will be either sexually dysfunctional/shutdown, abusers, or not at all sexually healthy.

Sexual abuse when perpetrated is an assault on the sweetness of our sacral chakra and the place that holds our emotions and our innocence. It is also a wounding that is perpetrated again and again in the attempt to get our energy or power back. It is an unconscious attempt of regaining our own power back that has been taken from us. It isn’t until we are fully aware of our soul’s energy and our bodies that we are able to reclaim our energy and send back what is not ours in order to have a healthy emotional connection to people and our own selves.

Now I am not saying that sexual abuse is right or acceptable, it isn’t! But I feel like if we are able to see the grander scale of abuse, then we can have compassion for ourselves in this process of healing. For when we can tap into those emotions that have been suppressed from sexual abuse such as anger, then we can empower ourselves to a place of wholeness. Remember shame and guilt are depressors and deniers of self. They are an energy and emotion that prevent us from being whole and healthy. They are the lowest forms of emotions on the emotional scale. They are killers of our innate goodness. It is important to bring shame and guilt to light, send back other people’s shame and guilt that you may be holding on to, and to transmute these energies so that we may be whole again. Until then, hurt people hurt people. That means the cycle will continue. Even if you aren’t sexually abusing the next person or relative, you will be trying to hurt them or over power them or cause pain in some way that has been caused to yourself. I have said this before, if you have been abused then there is abuse in you. How do you get it out? Energy work. You need to clean up your energies and do the work. Forgive, let go, transmute, get into a new relationship with what has happened to you. Empower yourself and turn it into something that can help others. Bring it to the light.

I would like you to notice the effect that shame and guilt have to your other emotions. Do you notice the amount of victimization people of abuse feel? Doesn’t it seem odd to you the lack of amount of people that become angry from abuse? The shame and guilt bring emotional being right past anger into a place of self pity and grief and victimization. Anger is a key to feeling yourself, feeling your emotions, owing your emotions and having the full human experience. When we deny our anger, we deny who we are at a very basic human level. We are all entitled to our anger. The key is….how do we use it? How do we use anger to right a wrong. To correct and bring to light the crossing of boundaries and the bringing the abuse to light. We can use anger to awaken others to their own healing when they try to suppress you. When we are deeply in touch with how our emotions work, we can make change.

I am also not saying that everyone’s experience is the same, because it isn’t but in my experience if this is happening to you, then rest assured there is a way to heal. Maybe you do feel anger whatever the case, your experience is your experience. But the more information that we have about how to tap into our emotions, the more whole we will become.

If we bring these abuses to the light, there is nothing but healing that can happen from this. We can heal our minds, our hearts, our bodies and our emotions when we look at what has happened to us. When we sit in meditation with ourselves and with God, we can feel our way through the trauma to the healthy. It is possible and probable because our spirit will always lead us to healing.

So if you are awakened and you have a calling in your heart to heal, ask for bravery and courage to see all those deep and dark places within yourself and heal. Bring it to the light and take 100% responsibility for yourself and living the life you are meant to. Bring your sexuality to a point of healthy relationship within yourself and your partner. Bring back your right to own your anger. Bring yourself back to yourself. Send back other people’s energies back to themselves for their own learning and development and set those boundaries of love and protection. Because we don’t have to live in the dark places of shame and guilt, we can bring them to the light so that we can feel joy and love. So do the work, you are worth it. And if you aren’t sure of where to start, drop me a line. It takes a village to heal each and everyone of us and we can build that village of trustworthy, safe and compassionate people or spirits that can guide us on our path of healing. Trust me, I have.

With the deepest amount of compassion and love, I send you courage and bravery on your healing journey. May you find the peace, joy and healthy sexuality that you deserve and are worthy of.

Blessings to you.





Spank or not to Spank