Spank or not to Spank

I would like to talk about the energetic ramifications of spanking children.

I was raised in time that spanking was “sold” as a common occurrence for parents to do to their children as a form of punishment and behaviour correction. As healer I can tell you that the ramifications of these actions adversely affect a person in many different ways.

In a recent healing session, I have learnt that spanking has many many detrimental side effects for children and how they carry this energy into adulthood. One of the problems is what are the reasons for spanking? Are you spanking because your child did something wrong? Would it be reasonable to assume that if you are spanking your child for doing something wrong, then you have stopped them in their root chakra in being safe to move forward to do anything because if they do, then it would be wrong and they would receive pain. There is a component of making someone bad or wrong when there are physical consequences to spanking. The correlations are transferred subconsciously and will affect them in their adult lives as they try to move forward. Beliefs are made by the child that they are bad, or wrong, or can’t make a decision because they will be punished with pain. The transfer of this energy is fear based. The lesson from a physical perspective is don’t make a mistake or you will be spanked in your root chakra and you will be unsafe. The bottom is the root chakra and the place of safety. The spirit will lift from the body and avoid that place of spanking and pain and will become a healing that a child will have to overcome or come up against blocks that they will be unable to get through without fear if spanking is used as a correction behavioural tool.

The emotional toll is deep as well. There is shame, blame, guilt, anger, overpowering, sadness, grief and humiliation when it comes to spanking. There is a sense of inhumane and lack of respect. Just because you are a parent, it does not give you the right to touch your child in that way. If you have a sensitive child, it will only enforce negative beliefs within oneself and a lack of confidence to try new things and to make mistakes. This affects children mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Also what may happen is it drives your children away from you. It is a place of disrespect, control, frustration, and many other ways of handling a situation that you may not have learned a new skill or tool to work with your child.

Now I am not a parent but I can tell you from a child perspective that as a healing in this late in my life, I can tell you that the fear and energy that is transmitted to a child in this way is nothing but negative. If you feel your child isn’t listening, then there is something in you that isn’t listening. Children are a reflection of what we are not seeing in ourselves especially in the ages of 0-14 in those developing years of their lives.

So if you are fortunate enough to be awakened at this time and have children, you can make a different choice. You can raise your children the way that you WANTED to be raised which may not be necessarily the way that you were raised. This takes strength of spirit and deep insights into yourself and your family patterns. But it is worth it in the end if you want your children to be healthy, well adjusted adults, that can make decisions with confidence and actually learn to make mistakes and learn from them without be frozen in fear. It is a place of where you can really sit wth yourself and ask, is this what I would have wanted as a child? What would have worked for me? If the answer is no, then you shouldn’t be doing it to your beloved children. This is fear at work, not love.

So if your child has done something wrong or “bad” in your view, then it is time to find another tool, another way, another means to work with your children because spanking although you may think won’t have any side effects, I am here to tell you it does. It hits the spirit out of the root chakra and you have children that may be dissociated, not calm and peaceful, not engaged and are constantly on the defensive so they don’t make any mistakes for fear of being hit. They automatically put defence mechanisms in place to protect themselves and learn how to survive in a hostile environment. It puts them in a victim state of mind instead of an empowered state of mind. Physically it may cause anxiety, nervous system responses and root or sacral chakra dis-eases. Mentally worsening behaviours as they learn to cope with the stress of it. Belief systems are formed like “I don’t know what to do” or “I can’t do anything right”, or “I can’t move forward because I am too afraid to make a mistake” or “Love is pain”. All these these are untrue and do not serve to raise a healthy well adjusted person.

It is our job as adults and parents to empower our children to follow their hearts and soul’s purpose in this life and we can’t do that if we are hitting their spirit’s out of their bodies and causing damage to the soul, instilling fear and negative emotions, breaking our relationships, causing physical pain and countless other problems. Retrain yourself and you will have a healthier relationship with your children for it.

How do I know this, I smacked my horse to get him back into the field. Was he wrong? No, he was just standing there. He is sensitive and he doesn’t need a smack. I could just clap my hands and he would move. But the energy was in me to spank or slap, if it wasn’t there I wouldn’t have done it. So in reflection of my actions, I have to go back into relationship with my horse and apologize. As a Sentient Being, he looked at me like “Why did you do that”? and I couldn’t help but reflect and realize, that this pattern stops with me. I made a mistake, I will correct it, I will heal the energy of it and now I will see that now I can move on, make mistakes and forgive myself. But I take 100% responsibility to change this behaviour to stop the pattern and change.

I pray that you find the strength of character within yourselves to hold that anger, take some deep breaths and use another tool in your tool box when working with your kids. When you take 100% responsibility you can make mistakes and correct but you have to take that responsibility for self. None of us are perfect and when you are learning, that’s just it, your learning. So connect with your soul and God and ask for help. Your kids will thank you and if you are healing yourself, your inner child will thank you.

Blessings to you all.



Sexual Abuse

