Victim Consciousness
I write alot about victimization. The reason being is all too often in my life I have felt victim to someone or something. When I had my spiritual awakening I could track back this energy of consciousness to many past life experiences, many ancestral woundings that I carried that may or may not have been mine, much karma that I was playing out in this lifetime and many other things that happened “to me” that I didn’t understand where this behaviour or that pattern originated. They sometimes just didn’t make sense.
As I delved deeper into my soul’s wisdom all those things that were revealing themselves in my relationships and how I was operating in the world, I could see that the gift of victim consciousness is the way back to empowerment.
Recently I experienced yet another psychic overpowering….or trying to overpower me to take a training. Like there was always something wrong with me. I always needed fixing. Or I wasn’t good enough to fulfill my purpose. Or my soul didn’t have the wisdom or knowledge for my OWN journey. But really, I realized that the feeling of victimization was a place that I could reclaim my power back to me. I did this all with the help of spirit. I opened up to trusting Archangel Michael to protect, clear and cut cords. I trusted Kuan Yin to show me compassion for myself and to soften my edges to love this person that I had a karmic tie to. I trusted the Clear Quartz kingdom to keep my energy field clear. I trusted my soul to right a wrong that was done long ago and to heal, neutralize and tie off this situation with love. I was meant to go through this “hardship” (or let’s call it an experience) yet again so that I could feel my soul’s power and step into it with love and compassion.
Sometimes in this lifetime we feel victimy of others but really what our soul is trying to show us is that this is coming up for healing so that we can take our power back. So that we can learn, evolve, grow and serve our purpose for others in the most loving way possible. Now, as vulnerable as this post is, I trust that the flow that I am in this very moment to help those “less fortunate” or “most vulnerable” is to help them find themselves, in this world. To help them find their purpose. To help them heal themselves and know that they don’t have to live their lives in this victim state of consciousness. We can rise to the level of healing and neutrality where we realize that nothing has an affect on us unless we allow it. We can do this in love even though we are angry, resentful, sad, give up on ourselves, shameful and guilty. This is where being sensitivity is a gift. The gift of sensitivity is a place where we heal the “wrongs” and make them right with love. We are the change agents. We are the couriers of love, compassion and healing. We are the holders of the light and we are the non-judgmental healers of the dark. Always holding the balance between the two.
We can be responsible for our own energy, our own experiences, and our own selves. We can live a life that is more happy, joyful, blissful if we heal and let go of the experiences that brought up this victim consciousness now.
What I also know to be true is that the labels or states of being of Highly Sensitive Person, Empath, Attention Deficit Disorder, suicidal, victim of abuse, depression, post traumatic stress syndrome, all these experiences are energies that you may have experienced in past lives or are coming up for healing, setting boundaries, sending back to where they belong or transmuting. Whatever the label within your life, you have the power to change it. You just need a safe, gentle space, and connection that will bring you through it with grace and a little guidance of how to get there with tools to help you in your own healing.
I have such great respect for the generations coming up after me. They have the energy to fight the fight that needs fighting so that they aren’t victims any longer. They are connected in a way that I felt I never was until now. I also feel like they will be the ones to make the changes that this planet needs and has been longing for for such a long time. And I have such great respect for the generations older than me because they withstood the victimization of the generations before them and whether they heal from it or not, they are surviving the best way that they know how and I respect their personal decisions.
So in the spirit of living a life that is more empowered, fulfilling purpose, joyful, balanced and connected, I pray for your spiritual awakening and to knowing and trusting the wisdom inside of you. Because if you ask me, the best life to live is to love yourself through a difficult victim state of consciousness and realize that you are a child of God and that you are Divine and that an experience is teaching you to heal and become more whole within yourself so that you can enjoy life. Just as we were meant to.
This all comes at a time where I am able to open myself up to receive the blessings of 3 clients that I can help through their victimized states of being, into more empowerment of themselves and to the Divine connection that will help you to realize your power, your peace and your purpose. For more information, visit the page on the Horse Connection program and contact me for more information.
May this reach you gently and with the power of Source and your own highest self.